Chapter 1

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So I already wrote this chapter but it was bad so I'm editing it. So enjoy chapter 1 2.0.

It had been a week since Luz had learned the Light Spell. She was currently laying on the floor scribbling out shapes that looked like the Light Spell but different. She was trying to find a new glyph.

Suddenly one of the glyphs gave off a little light, but it quickly sputtered out.

"I was so close that time." She says to herself as the light was brighter than the other times it had sputtered out and lasted a second later.

She scribbled down variations of the glyph for the next hour but nothing happened. Groaning in frustration she stood up, quickly grabbing the couch to steady herself as her vision swam for a second.

"I really have been lying down too long" she said, "I need to do something other than figure out glyphs."

She walks over to the kitchen where Eda was preparing lunch and King was talking to her.

"...And that's how I commanded the Demon Legions and rose to power as Demon King." She heard King say as she walked into the kitchen.

"LUZ! You're here! Hey King I don't think Luz has heard the story of how you ascended to Demon King yet why don't you tell her?" Eda says relieved.

"I would love to!" Luz exclaims, apparently not knowing what she was getting into.

2 Hours Later

"...and so I said to him, why don't you come and face me yourself coward..."

1 hour later

"...and that's how I commanded the Demon Legions and rose to power as Demon King." King finishes off his tale with a bow.

"Wow King. That was... something." Luz said encouragingly.

"You think so?" King says, "I have mo-"

"No no no no, that's alright I have to go uhhhh, plant some trees, I'm afraid I won't be back for an hour." Luz says quickly.

"Then when you get back I will regale you with the tale of how I defeated the Evil God and became the strongest demon in history." King says excitedly.

"I look forward to it." Luz says, hurrying out the door.

She closes the door behind her exhaling a sigh of relief.

She heads out through the woods enjoying the fresh air and peaceful nature sounds. She walks through a forest with trees the size of redwoods with a rich brown color, almost identical to her eyes.

As she's walking through the forest she sees a small game trail leading to the side, curious she follows the trail as it winds through the trees leading to a huge boulder the size of the Owl House with a crack in the side.

Curious she enters the crack, which is just big enough to fit her, emerging into a room about the size of her bedroom with paintings on the side depicting man and wolf fighting against witches and wizards. On one of the walls she sees something that looks like a glyph, but this glyph is different, more complex.

Excited to have found another glyph she copies it down to her note book before exiting the cave to see what it does.

Cautiously she puts her hand on the glyph and promptly passes out.

1 hour later at the Owl House

"Hey didn't Luz say shed be back by now?" King asked slightly worried about his friend.

"I'm sure she's fine, she's probably just enjoying the fresh air." Eda says, saying in her heart that she probably doesn't want to hear his tale's.

Another two hours later at the Owl House

Eda is preparing to go out, she has her staff and equipment in her backpack like ropes and knives.

"She has been gone for too long. I'm going out to look for her." Eda says, with a determined expression on her face.

"Finally!" King exclaims, "I'm coming with you. I can use my nose to find her."

"Alright fine but no fooling around." Eda says not prepared to argue and waster precious daylight.

They start along, following Luz's footsteps, moving neither fast nor slow, making sure they don't lose her trail. Finally they arrive at the side trail where Luz's footsteps go.

Looking at the trail, which seems to be a darker place now, they head along the trail, believing to be close to Luz.

Finally they arrive at a boulder where Luz's footsteps end, finding a wolf lying on the ground asleep with Luz's notepad beside it.

Eda and King gasp and get behind a tree, because this wolf is bigger than they have ever seen.

"What do we do?" King asks with a tremble in his voice.

"I don't know, this wolf seems to be magical. I can't explain that well but there seems to be a powerful pressure coming from it."

At that moment the wolf stirred, climbing to it's paws. Yawning it looks down at it's paws, and for some reason quickly backs up slamming into a tree.

"WHAT THE HELL?" the wolf exclaims in a voice that is familiar to Eda and King.

"LUZ?!" They yell at the same time.

The wolf looks over at them, "Eda, King!" She bounds over, going to hug them before realizing that she can't do that anymore.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Eda exclaims shocked.

Luz proceeds to tell the story of how she was walking when she found the cave, how she entered it and saw the drawings, how she copied the glyph down, and how it had knocked her out and when she woke up she was like this.

"What happened to it? I swear it was right there." Luz says.

"I believe you kid." Eda says, "See these drawings? These are ancient drawings, they tell the story of werewolves. I saw them in ancient scroll once, but these are much more detailed. These were done by a true master of glyphs."

"So what am I a werewolf now?' Luz asks, feeling both scared and excited at the same time. Finally she has a quest like the hero's from her books, she's going to have a quest that will force her to learn things about herself!

"It would appear so." Eda says, "I have a feeling life is certainly going to get harder from now on."

The revised chapter is now done. Enjoy!

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