Chapter 8

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Illusions was easier than expected.

Apparently one of the new side affects of being a wolf was that her eyes were enhanced, allowing her to see glyphs inside the circle. She didn't need to use her phone.

She had first noticed a week after she was cursed. Eda was using a spell to inspect her in wolf form and she had noticed the glyph on the inside. 

When she had realized she was looking at the glyph, she had jerked away from Eda transforming back into a human with shock.

However she was only able to see the glyphs is wolf form. This was the first time seeing it while in human form.

It seems like both my forms are getting more powerful. I don't know if this is good or bad.

Luz was worried that people would start notice it. She could see the veins on a leaf clearly from 40 feet away, she could run faster than flying on a staff, and she could hear a heartbeat from across the room.

She could also feel her mind working faster now, she was able to process information at twice the speed of a normal human.

All of this combined made her into a the equivalent of a superhero. 

Now all that left is too defeat an epic villain in a fight, and swoop in and save the princess.

"Are you still with us Ms. Noceda?"

It was the teacher, Luz had zoned off without thinking. "Yes ma'am."

"Good, since you been paying attention maybe you can cast this spell?" The teacher asked, quickly demonstrating.

"I would love too." Luz says, not the least bit sarcastically. She actually did want too do it.

Looking down at her pad she takes her pencil and begins drawing the glyph, after a few quick deft strokes its finished. 

Pressing her hand down on the glyph, a replica of Luz springs out. Giving Luz a high five, before dissipating.

"I guess you really were paying attention. Sorry about that." The teacher says quite embarrassed.

The rest of Illusions passes rather quickly, with Luz making sure to pay rapt attention to the teacher.

The bell rings, and the class rushes to get all their books put up.

"Homework due to tomorrow for those of you who didn't manage to do the spell today it must be done by tomorrow."

"Bye." Luz says enthusiastically, heading out the door.

Gus walks over to her, "What class do you have next?"

"Abominations class." Luz says, "What's that?"

"It's the process of created animated creatures that will serve you." Gus says, "That's the class that Amity is in, good luck."


But I won't need it, Luz thinks too herself, time to learn what happened between Willow and Amity.

"Oh you might need this." Gus says, pulling out a map if the school and giving it to Luz.

"Why didn't you give this to me earlier?" Luz demands, feigning anger.

"No need, I was going to take you to your first class anyway." Gus says with a shrug.

"See you around Gus." Luz says before heading off to class.

"Bye!" Gus yells after her.

With a map in her hand she manages to make it to abomination class just as the bell went off.

"There you are Ms. Noceda." Says a dwarf with thinning green hair, who is being carried around by a golem.

"Uh, hi." Luz responds, shocked by the abomination.

"Everyone this is Luz Noceda she is a new student here at Hexside, and yes she is a human." The dwarf says, "We only have one open seat, right next to Ms. Blight. Ms. Blight please raise your hand."

A hand that Luz recognizes raises up in the middle left of the room.

"There you are, Luz go take a seat next to her." 

Luz goes over and takes a seat next to the person she was hoping to talk too.

"Hey," she whispered, "It's nice too see you again Amity."

"Thanks." Amity says, before blushing bright red and turning away from Luz.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Amity scream at herself in her head. Thanks? Why in Titan did I say thanks? Damn it Amity!

Choosing to ignore it Luz, asks, "Hey want to meet at the library after school? I have a question."

Amity goes even redder, if that was even possible, before stammering out, "Uh, y-yeah sounds good."

"Great its a date then." Luz says, oblivious as to what she was doing to the other girl.

Wait is this a date? No she just said that as a friend probably. Whatever I'm not going to miss this opportunity to talk with her some more. Just as friends though. Right? That's all she is too me, a friend. But then why am I acting like this? I must be sick. Come to think of it my stomach feels weird, I'm definitely sick. Totally oblivious to the fact that it was butterfly's in her stomach.

She looked over at Luz, who was focused fully on the lesson, writing notes in her book.

Wow, she looks really cute from this angle, any angle come to think of it. Wait no, stop it Amity, she's just a friend that you've seen twice.

Blushing even redder she too try's to focus on the lesson, but occasionally her eyes will be drawn over to Luz.

Of course Luz, with her heightened senses, noticed this but just thought it was Amity curious about her being a human. She got it a lot when see told people that.

The rest of the class passes quickly for Luz. Looking at her schedule and comparing it to the map, she plots her route to her next class, Magic History. Even though they are there to learn magic, it is important for the witches to understand magic history.

She doesn't share history with anyone she knows, so she just sits down by herself in the back corner, grabbing her notebook to take notes as always. 

Like the rest of the classes, the teacher asks her to introduce herself, which she does with her signature bubbly talking. 

The class passes rather quickly, but at the end of it something makes Luz sit up straighter and listen intently.

"That's all for today, tomorrow we will be studying the history of magical creatures and the wars. More specifically we will look at how one race in particular changed the course of magic forever. The werewolves."

End of chapter 8. Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it, and hope you enjoyed.

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