Chapter 2

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From now on I will be putting diary entries in the chapters, probably during the beginning. They will not be one after the other, for instance if there is a 2 week break it will be entry 14 instead of 1 and then if there another 3 days that pass it will 17 not 15. Anyway enjoy the 2nd chapter.

Diary Entry 14

Its been two weeks since I was cursed by the glyph, and I have learned to switch between wolf form and human fairly quickly. Although I still struggle when her emotions are particularly heighted, especially strong emotions such as anger and love causing me to switch to wolf form until I calm down, its getting better and I have gotten used to the wolf inside me. I cant stand being inside much longer I have to get out, maybe its the wolf inside but I have to go do something. But I know I cant in case I put others in danger. Wait... if I bring along elixir it should be fine right? 

                       Luz closes the diary, grabs a bottle of elixir, and runs downstairs to inform Eda where she's going. "If your confident it'll be safe go ahead kid, just be careful." She rushes outside quickly transforming, grimacing as the now familiar pain washes over her. Breaking into a full sprint she races to the forest edge, becoming more and more energized by the second as the fresh air races past her. Skidding to a stop near the edge of town she changes to human form, and begins walking around town. 

She walks past shops, peeking through the windows before rushing over to the next one. As she enjoys being out of the house she realizes that she has ended up in front of the library, she burst the doors before strolling down each and every isle, looking at all the books, stopping now and then to read the cover or to grab a book. 

Finally with a stack of books in her hand she heads over to table to start reading them, but right as she picks up the first book she hears a group of children laughing, curious she follows the sound and comes across a young witch reading to a group of 7-8 year old's. The witch is about her age has blueish-green hair, black triangle earrings, and a smile on her face as she reads a tale to the kids. Not wanting to interrupt Luz sits down a little way away, picks up a book and begins to read. She's not able to focus on the book though as her eyes drift back to the witch, wondering how her golden eyes seem to pull her into them. Realizing she's staring she blushes and quickly vowing to not look at the witch again but she cant help herself. The witch looks so adorable reading to the children, with her ears twitching as she reads, and smiling as she does voices for the characters.

Quickly, too quickly for Luz, the book is over and the kids go over to say bye to the witch. Suddenly the witch looks up and gold eyes meet brown, embarrassed, Luz looks back down at her book and when she looks the witch is gone. 

"Damn it!"

"I missed my chance to introduce myself"

After staying around the library a bit looking for the witch she heads home, with the witch on her mind the whole way back to the forest. When she makes it to the edge of the forest she checks to make sure no ones around, and switches back to wolf form. On an impulse she runs to take a lap around the woods. As she's nearing the halfway point she hears someone talking, slowing down she quietly walked towards the sound, and as she peeks through the trees she sees the witch from the library sitting on the river bank, throwing pebbles into the water.

End of the second chapter, hope yall enjoyed. If you guys have any ideas on what should happen next leave an idea in the comment section.

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