Chapter 5

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Holy shit we hit a hundred reads. Thanks, and Enjoy!

"Wow" Luz says in a astonished voice, her jaw dropping. 

Amity looks down, her foot making a small circle. "Yeah, this is my reading area."

"This is amazing!" 

"It's nothing much, this just where I come to read."

"Nothing much?! This is the coolest thing I've seen since coming to the Boiling Isles!"

"You think so?"

"I really do!"

There's an awkward silence for a bit as Luz walks around the room, looking at the bookshelves covering the walls, the desk at the end, the half opened book on the desk, and the glowing stars hanging from the series. She stop's at a one of the bookshelves, pulling out a book from about halfway down.

"No way!" Luz exclaims looking over the book.


"You like The Good Witch Azura too?" Luz says, shoving the book under Amity's nose.

"Oh, yeah." Amity responds, rubbing the back of her neck, "I'm assuming from that expression you do to?"

"Do I? I love it! Its my favorite series." Luz exclaims, clutching the book. Suddenly she seems to remember something, putting the book down she rummages through her bag. She pulls out a book titled The Good Witch Azura 5.

"I noticed you didn't have this one. Here." She hands the book over to Amity, who hesitates slightly, before taking the book and clutching it to her chest. 

"Thank you. I will make sure to return it to you in peak condition."

Luz is has moved on to the next shelf looking all the books, when she looks down at her otter watch. 

"SHIT! I have to get home. Hopefully I'll see you again." She runs off quickly. 

"Hopefully." Amity says quietly, more to herself than to Luz.


As she looked down at her watch, realizing that she promised Eda shed be home in 2 minutes.

"SHIT! I have to get home. Hopefully I'll see you again" As she sprints off her new and improved hearing catches Amity saying "Hopefully." For some reason unknown to her, she gets a weird feeling in her stomach when she hears that.

She reaches the edge of woods in a mere 90 seconds, without pause, she changes form and races off at top speeds. The trees seem to blend together, becoming a solid entity. 






She makes it to the Owl House with not a second to lose, bursting through the door out of breath.

"Hey kiddo, you made it. For second there I thought you were gonna make us worry about you again."

"I-I..." Luz stammers, slightly embarrassed.

"Relax, I'm just making a joke." Eda laughs.

"Oh." Luz says, emotionless, before laughing along with Eda. They both laugh for a bit, before Eda picks up a book and start's to read. Luz looks over at the book, it was unlike Eda to read at this time of day, It was the Class of 1998 Hexside High Yearbook. 

That reminds Luz of an idea she had a while back but didn't really get the chance to ask since she got turned.

"Hey Eda?"

"Yeah kid?"

"I want to go to Hexside."

Eda closes the book and looks up at Luz. "Do I need to tell you why that's a bad idea?"

"No, I know there's a risk with my little furry problem, but I have almost perfectly mastered controlling the wolf form, and if I cant ill just drink an Elixir."

Eda opens her mouth as if wanting to say something, closes it, and seems to be pondering it. Finally she sighs, "Fine, but only if you bring plenty of elixir."

"THANK YOU EDA!" Luz screams, hugging Eda, before going to her room to daydream about school and what it'll be like here.

Hit a bit of writers block. Bit late but here is the new chapter.

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