Chapter 14

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This morning I was thanking you guys for passing 1k and already we have 1.4k reads. Thank you guys so much and I hope you all enjoy Chapter 14.

"You may call me Professor Onai, not Mr. Onai." Professor Onai said.

"Now as I understand you guys were finished with the origins of magic and were starting werewolves so that's where I will pick up." He said, with a glance at Luz that seemed to pierce right through her.

Oh god does he know what I am? How? I just met him today. Maybe it was just a coincidence, just a freak accident. 

Managing to convince herself that the look didn't mean anything, she turned back into Mr. Onai who had started the lesson that Luz had been looking forward to all day. Totally forgetting about the whole ear thing.

"You may have heard stories about werewolves, how they are vicious creatures who turn into a vicious beast on the full moon, who feast on the flesh of witches, and how they hate magic. You've probably at least heard the stories about how they are a witch's greatest enemy, and how we went to war with them for 500 years before they went extinct."

"However these tales are just that, tales. Although they do have a hint of truth in them the stories about them have been blown out of proportion."

"I have discovered in my travels, ancient scrolls written by werewolves, depicting their history and their perspective on the war."

At this Luz was shocked beyond belief, first of all, she had not heard that they went to war with witches and eventually went extinct, and second that the man in front of her has written documents of werewolf history.

If I can get my hands on those scrolls I can understand my wolf form even more and hopefully reverse the curse. She thought, excitedly. Now how do I get my hands on these scrolls?

"So I want you to take everything you know about werewolves and throw it out the window, they will only stray you from truly learning about werewolves." Professor Onai said with a very stern tone.

"First of all, werewolves do not only turn at the full moon they can turn at any time at will, however under the moon, they become more powerful and a full moon especially. And although werewolves do have the capability to eat witches they prefer normal witch food like grilled water serpent or cupcakes."

"That brings us to magic which is very important when learning about werewolves, werewolves have the ability to do magic however it is different from a witch's magic. Witches utilize magic from their bile sac which gathers energy and transforms it into magic while werewolves draw magic from nature. This means that they cant perform magic the way witches can by drawing a circle, they actually have to chant spells or draw formations."

"The reason they are thought to hate magic is that they believed themselves to be the protectors of magic and when Emperor Belos created the covens to force people into only using one type of magic it clashed with their beliefs and war ensued. On top of that their bodies have built up a type of resistance to spells, they can still harm them but it would be less than when used on a witch."

When they heard Professor Onai speak about the werewolves there was a mixed reaction within the class. 2/3 of them thought he was being ridiculous, after all, they had the stories about them all their life and now a complete stranger was telling them it was all lies. 

The rest of them all thought that there might be some truth to his words but weren't ready to accept them as the full truth. Even the most open-minded people were not ready to accept this fact.

There was only one person in the room who thought was ready to accept that as the truth, it was the one who had seen first hand the side of the government who would do almost anything to get what they want. She had seen it when it sent dozens of members in the Emperor's Coven to get Eda.

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