Chapter Six: A new Drama Student

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((^^My art once again, also I'll explain where I was))

Kokichi's POV

I woke up to the feeling of my head being on a warm bare chest, "shu...." I smiled looking up at Shuichi who was still asleep, I saw him yawn slowly before rubbing my cheek, "Ouma Kun~.... how did you sleep.." he asked me, caressing my cheek

"I slept good...." I said sitting up, scooting my body closer to Shuichi, Shuichi sat up, rubbing his eyes before rubbing my shoulder "I'm tired..." he giggled a little, "I had to keep containing you in your sleep from rolling off the bed-"

"I-I'm sorry!!" I blushed before hearing the door open and seeing Kaede, the worst part was that him and I were body shirtless- fuck-

"WHAT TH-" Kaede said before Shuichi rushed over to Kaede and covered her mouth, "shut up-!!" He made her get out of the room, Shuichi sitting down next to me again, "s-sorry about that-"

"It's okay-" I stuttered, holding Shuichi's hand again, smiling once I got on my knees and leaned up to start playing with Shuichi's ahoge, "it's so cuteee!!!" I giggled playing around with it,

"The party is tonight Ouma Kun.." Shuichi Said standing up to get dressed, "did you wanna borrow any clothes..?.." he asked before I quickly nodded, smiling shyly "I-I Dont have anything to wear to the party.."

I felt him grab my hand before dragging me inside of the walk in closet, showing me a nice black leather dress that kind of had a pencil skirt vibe to it, it had a thigh cut in it but overall it looked amazing, "you could wear this.?... it was my moms" he smiled at me, handing me the dress

"T-thank you Shuichi..." I said holding his warm hands, "youre so nice to me..." I said sincerely, kissing Shuichi's cheek "Ouma Kun...." he said before getting closer to my face, until we were interrupted by Rantaro coming inside the room, Shuichi quietly but immediately closing the door

"Saihara? Ouma.?.. meh. I wonder where they went.." Rantaro rolled his eyes, being annoyed. Shuichi was holding me closely against his chest, making sure I didn't make any noise so Rantaro wouldn't catch us and think we were doing devious things

"S-shu-" I whimpered, feeling Shuichi's arms on my thighs since it was the first thing that he could grab to bring me close quickly, "sh Ouma-" he mumbled, squeezing my thighs a little.

After we heard Rantaro leave, Shuichi didn't let go but we still both left the closet, "anyways Ouma Kun... did you want some food.?.." he rubbed my cheek, blushing a lot

I nodded before seeing him walk out of the room, my blush beginning to grow once I looked at him leave...

A little after we ate, we went back to school Shuichi seemed distracted in class... someone had transferred to our class from another classroom. She walked in and the girl was Miu Iruma....?

But wasn't she in the other class.?.  Never mind.. why is Shuichi looking at her like that..why am I feeling this way
I guess I'll shut up
I calmed down once I had a plastered smile on my face...

I don't love Shuichi, I just fucking met him, why do I feel like shit when I see him look at someone like that, it hurts and it hurts a lot, why is this happening and why do I wanna make it go away so badly....

Before I knew it I was in my own mind.. my thoughts rushing around my head when I saw her approach Shuichi, my heart aches and it keeps that one break... I'm feeling shattered I'm feeling myself get distracted all over again

I'm ashamed of myself, I'm a terrible person, who was I kidding when I thought he would like me

I'm just trash like anyone else

I hate love

I hate life

I hate you Shuichi....

You don't hate Shuichi,. You still like him, stop it Ouma. Listen to what you're saying, you'll never be happy if you go on like this...

I guess you're right....

((Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to explain how I've been feeling, I took a long mental break because I've been shattering and I really wanna interact with more people... I wanna find more people and feel okay, half of what Kokichi was thinking is how I feel and I just wanna make this story happy))

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