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may 22nd, 2020
4:18 pm


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"THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HOSTING HER PARTY HERE." Ayoluwa said to Shareef as the two stood surveying the birthday party, "'Cause you didn't have to do this. It really means a lot."

Lauryn and her classmates from her preschool were were split up into smaller groups to do the various kid friendly activities in the spacious backyard of the mansion that Shareef lived in with Shaqir and his father.

All of Ayoluwa's friends had pitched in with this party in a way, refusing to take no for an answer after learning that Imani was, once again, bailing on being there for her daughter.

Levi and Quincy were doing face painting, Nicholas was handing out bottles of bubble solution, Giovanni was on the red and blue inflatable slide as a lookout while Shaqir and Dior were moving plastic tables to prepare for cutting the cake.

"Its not a problem. Is she really not coming?" Shareef continued.

Ayoluwa shook her head, "Her and Jamal drove to Vegas this morning."

Shareef rolled his eyes, "I can't believe her sometimes."

"I'm used to the disappointment." Ayoluwa replied, "I stopped having faith in my sister a long time ago."

Shareef put his arm around Ayoluwa to give her a comforting squeeze.

A light tug on Ayoluwa's exposed waist beads caused her to look down.

Lauryn's face was painted black and red for a ladybug and she continued to tug with both hands, "Auntie Ayo, where's mommy and daddy?"

Ayoluwa tucked her lips in as she mentally cursed her sister out in her head.

Shareef passed her an apologetic expression.

God, she wished her sister would start acting like Lauryn's mother and less like a bar fly.

"Uh, your mom and dad are sick. They need a few days to get better," Ayoluwa picked Lauryn up and held her on the side of her body.

"Sick with what? A cold?" Lauryn persisted as she wrapped an arm around Ayoluwa's neck.

"Uh, yes. A cold." Ayoluwa lied, "Did you try the-."

The sound of something breaking caused the two teens to turn around, "Ayo. Ayo," Jamal's slurred voice called out from inside the home.

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