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july 6th, 2020
10:23 am

AYOLUWA GOT UP too early for Joshua's taste

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AYOLUWA GOT UP too early for Joshua's taste.

He always woke up to an empty space and the blinds open to let the sun in.

Joshua lifted a hand to his eyes to protect himself from the sun as the memories from last night hit Joshua in his skull similar to a brick.

"I'm just asking because... I wanna be clear because... Because I think I'm starting to get feelings for you."

"If you would just listen, you would've heard me say that I like you too!"

Joshua wasn't sure if he should be happy or confused over the kiss.

He was still so weirded out over his feelings for her and finding out that Ayoluwa was starting to reciprocate wasn't helping him sort out his thoughts.

In fact the only thing that he could think was...

I wanna kiss her again.

With that thought in mind, Joshua finally tossed the covers off of him then padded over to the bathroom.

The mirror showed that he still looked the same, even if his mental was all jumbled.

Joshua dragged one hand down his face then gripped the sink.

Joshua sighed then quickly brushed his teeth, "Lemme get a damn blunt."

Joshua made his way downstairs then stopped at the sound of Ayoluwa singing and playing the guitar at the kitchen table, "You would say things, wouldn't listen, but I listen now, you would call me, started falling, 'cause it's different now,"

"Morning." Joshua said from where he was standing near the couch.

Ayoluwa jumped a little, "Oh shit. You were so quiet coming down the stairs..."

"Just needed..." Joshua held up a blunt he had just collected from his duffel bag.

"Oh," Ayoluwa nodded then put the guitar on the table.

"If you didn't like the kiss or it's confusing you... We can just forget about last night." Ayoluwa said after a pause.

Joshua rotated the still unlit blunt between his index finger and middle finger, "What makes you think that I didn't like it?"

Her eyes fell on the blunt then flickered back to Joshua's face.

Joshua sighed, "Can we go outside so I can smoke this?"

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