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june 22nd, 2020
12:02 pm

AYOLUWA DECIDED TO TRY AND MAKE the best out of this situation

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AYOLUWA DECIDED TO TRY AND MAKE the best out of this situation.

She was stuck here for two more months in a beautiful house located on the water.

Might as well take advantage of it, right?

Ayoluwa was sitting on the deck, dressed in Nike Pros and a t-shirt, her legs crisscrossed and her eyes closed.

Next to her was her songbook and a black pen just in case inspiration struck her.

The silence and the heat from the sun's rays were providing Ayoluwa with some heavily needed peace and relaxation.

Her phone rang and without checking the caller ID, Ayoluwa snapped, "What?"

"Woah. Just wanted to see how you were doing?" Shareef replied.

Ayoluwa let out a dry, sarcastic laugh at his question,"How am I doing? How am I doing? Let's see. In the past three days since I've been stranded here by you, because that is a very necessary detail. I've been in two screaming matches with trout, had to sleep on a bathroom floor, and an old couch because he won't share the bed, and on top of that my grandma hasn't been answering the phone so I have no fucking idea how Lauryn is doing."

Ayoluwa took a deep breath, "So yeah, I'm not doing so hot, Shareef."

"I'll check on her today. And why were you sleeping on the floor?"

"It's not important," Ayoluwa waved away the question, forgetting that Shareef couldn't see her gesture.

"Lauryn's preschool is holding a summer camp. I already paid for five weeks, it starts next Monday. I need you or someone to make sure she gets there and-."

All of a sudden, the bass from Martin & Gina by Polo G filled the house behind her and shook the deck.

Ayoluwa grit her teeth at the music and turned around to see Joshua rapping along, his own speaker in his hand.

"Ugh!" Ayoluwa palmed her forehead in frustration.

"What?" Shareef said.

"He's just..." Ayoluwa closed her eyes in frustration, "Reef, we've known each other since kindergarten and you know you're one of my best friends, right?"

Shareef let out a wry chuckle, "Yeah, I would hope so."

"So if you care for me in any way, shape or form, you'll be here to come and get me by tonight."

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