Chapter 15 - Reunited at last

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[1230 word count]

Not my art - Scar bean

Doc woke up to Bdubs sneaking out of the house. "Bdubs how'd you get in my house." Doc said sitting up wrapping the newly found blanket around him. "I was given your spare house keys so I woke up early to refresh your fridge that is it. Except for maybe giving you a blanket. Don't you dare expect me to be able to pick you up and plop you in your bed ain't happening you're three times my weight and I can barely do one pull up." Bdubs stated in a friendly tone. Doc smiled but he was reminded he had to check on Ren. "I gotta check up on Ren He has to be in his house now no-way he is out already." Bdubs looked confused but smiled knowing that Doc most likely wanted to check on Ren but Ren was asleep so he couldn't enter his house. "Don't forget to wear clean clothes." Bdubs managed to remind Doc to change into clean clothes." Doc just turned and said, "Right!". This caused Bdubs to laugh. Wearing a grey turtleneck and navy blue denim jeans with brown leather shoes. "Looks a bit to nice for casual but can't deny that I didn't have time to wash any of your clothes" Bdubs laughed out while Doc opened the door shushing Bdubs as he quickly made his way over the fence. Bdubs decide to feed Cookie and Ginger in the mean time.

He hesitated before knock on the door using his mechanical arm. Careful not to break the door. He could hear rustling clearly someone was on the inside until he heard a thud. He new Ren must've been inside but that thud didn't sound good so he revealed the spare keys that are under the specially made flower pot for purpose of hiding the key. Unlocking the door he closed it behind him and carefully traversed the hall until he saw Ren. It looked as if he passed out on the couch. must've stayed up all night after coming home. Seeing the fact that Ren's phone was low battery on low power mode. Picking up Doc checks Ren's pulse - just in case - and carries to his bed and lays Ren down plugging the phone on the charger wire. It was nice to see Ren again but something was off. Doc couldn't quite place it. But he just sat on the bed as he just waited quietly humming to himself. He was looking round the room and realized that all of the corners had dust settled on the carpet and one even had a cobweb near the ceiling. He put two and two together and realized that Ren hadn't been in his house for at least a couple weeks. No one has. Ren's phone buzzed with a notification from the hospital that Doc was excused from. A bill for meals that were due in a week's time. Doc sighed and decided to pay with his credit card. Now that it was sorted he realized where Ren had been for the past few weeks, "oh" he said to himself quietly. A little after he noticed Ren turned over and curled into a ball before whimpering quietly. Maybe Ren was avoiding sleep because of this. Who knows.

Gasping for air his eye lids opened as his eyes darted down to see he had  somehow been moved to his bed. He cringed at his headache along with the ringing in his ears which caused them to twitch a little. He was now sitting facing the opposite way to Doc. Not realizing he was sitting on the bed while Doc who had dosed of hadn't noticed that Ren woke up. Ren sighed as he made sure he wasn't dreaming anymore before yawning and stretched. He must've been asleep for about an hour.

I wonder what Bdubs was thinking... what he is thinking, "when is Doc coming back to say they're now together..." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anyways back to the scene

Ren stretched before accidentally knocking Doc of the bed and hearing a thud. Causing Ren to turn around in confusion and Doc to wake up a little annoyed that he fell on the floor. "Who was that? And why are you in here?" Doc finally stood a little annoyed before hearing a thud. he turned around to see Ren and passed out from either shock or because he fell off the bed. Doc waved his hand in front of Ren an he somehow woke up. "Werh- What. I thought that?" Doc just thought back and realized. Oh he nether saw Ren yesterday. "I'm sorry, I-" Doc cut of Ren with a long hug and Ren after a few seconds hugged back making sure Doc was actually there. "Hey It's ok I'm ok. We're ok..." Ren just buried his face into Doc's shoulder softly whimpering letting his sadness leak out. Doc smiled but then remembered something, "Ren, And I quote from Ren in My last moments awake, 'I guess I could say I like someone who will never like me back.'.... Ren did you really mean what you said?". Before Ren could think of a response Ren heard the voice again. He stared deep into Doc's eye before he just got up and tried to speak but his thoughts were now at conflict as his headache got worse and he could feel himself start to struggle to breathe. Tears gushed down his cheeks before he fell over his ears now drooped and the argument on loop inside his head. Doc was right there why couldn't hey say something why couldn't he hear Doc speaking to him. Instead of coughing up the flower like a normal infected person he was trying to hold it in as he heard the voice. "REN BREATHE!". Ren was taken out of his trance from Doc's shouting. Gasping for air as he felt the flower fall back down his throat. "Ren are you ok?" Doc asked his voice laced by ten layers of worry and anxiety. "I. I... I can't get in the way" Ren cries out as he adjusts his hands in front of his mouth so he could discretely swallowed the blood that was now in his mouth.

With that he pushes  Doc away Tears falling onto the carpet as he ran in the bathroom and locked the door where the flowers rose back up causing him to cough them out onto the sink to go with the tears. Doc on the other side of the door is trying to open the door. "REN PLEASE, OPEN THE DOOR. DON'T MAKE ME BREAK IT DOWN. PLEASE... open the door please.", he cried out. Ren couldn't, Doc would see the flowers and feel it's his fault and force himself to be with Ren. Ren couldn't let that happen. "Ren please, I'm not going anywhere until you open the door.". Ren just cried silently to himself as he sat on the floor and hugged his knees as he could feel the second round of flowers coming up his throat.

On the other side Doc was against the door trying  his hardest to knock down the door but he couldn't; the more energy he tried to put into the punch the weaker he felt. The flowers were thriving upon the energy he was trying to use. They were blooming on his arm neck another flower threatening to tear through the skin on his chest as it was budding. "Ren, please......... I... ne-ed yo-" Doc gasped for air before trying to hit the door one more time slowly sinking to the floor.

Ren now coughing more Flowers specifically the Red Rose with thorns from the time Doc vomited it in the sink. He had to unlock the door. Ren leaning against the sink pushes off as he feels his energy sapped. With whatever he had left the unlocked the door and fell to his knees. He reached up to the door handle and open the door. Now open Doc [Was resting his back against the door] fell into Ren's lap. Doc struggling to stay awake stares into Ren's eyes. Ren stares back more tears threatening to fall. He weakly moved so he was able to hug Doc his voice hoarse, "I'm sorry, This is my fault." Doc shook his head in response before doing what he should of done ages ago. Closing the gap, he kisses Ren almost as a way of saying, "You absolute idiot, If I liked Grian still I wouldn't be here." It took a small amount of time for Ren to snap back into reality. He finally kissed back They quickly had to separate for air as they were literally just choking a second ago. Looking into each other's eyes trying to read the other's emotions.

Ren slow stands up getting support from the wall before trying to help Doc up, which kind of worked. They eventually got to the couch in the lounge only to hear knocking on the door and Bdubs calling into the house. A conversation doesn't last this long. Ren just able to call out, "it's unlocked."

In response Bdubs opened the door letting Cookie and Ginger inside before closing the door again. Heading into the lounge he sees Doc and Ren hugging on the couch. "Did something happen or did you just sit there for the hour and a half?". Bdubs could see some agreement was happening but couldn't pick up any words. Doc sighed before saying, "We just had light conversation on the couch for the hour. Bdubs didn't buy the claim but didn't bother asking as he knew he couldn't get the one he was looking for. Bdubs just smirked giving a suggestive wink before leaving.

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