Chapter 7 - Mutt's escape

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[1045 Word Count]

Ren was just resting his head against the back wall of the cell he was in trying to get his hands in front of him [They are handcuffed behind his back]. He had started once his captor left with gingerbread. First he got his hands under his tail which took a lot of squirming. He was able to shift his hands under his but and they where now under his knees. Finally he lifted up his feet and got his hands in front of him. Now can he just take off the muzzle or does he need a key? He fumble his hands until he found a button near his ear. Clicking it he heard a hissing sound and the thing came straight off. Next he tried untying his feet so he can stand up. Done with ease: they weren't tied together too tightly. He was now able to go to the bars and the locked door. that separated him and the captor. He couldn't reach the keys on the desk but the chair was on wheels. He reached the back of the chair and kept ramming it into the desk until the key fell off the desk and on the chair. He could finally to grab the key. He bent his arm to the lock which he could reach, thankfully. He soon unlocked the door and burst out of the cell and grabbed the key for the cuffs. Putting the head of the key in his mouth he could unlock his hands.Relief flew over him as they were the right pair. He took the image and flipped it. It had writing on the back like a postcard. However it looked more like something out of a diary. Written on the back Ren read the following,

'My first day as Dr 77s assistance. I already hate the guy. He and Mr Jumbo both love him XX/XX/XXXX. As I planted the bomb I noticed a bunch of petals on 77's desk so he must have hanahaki for Grian. Maybe I can kill him off and then deal with jumbo.'

Ren was quick to pocket the image as he found a way out... Out... He was in London with no money how could he take a train or bus up to HermitVille. Maybe he could ask someone if he could borrow their phone. "Sir are you ok? You have red marks all over your face" A stranger asked, Ren could hear the worry so he replied, "Ah yeah but err... I don't have a phone or any money so I can't make this really important call. Can I maybe borrow you're phone please? I promise I won't steal it!" They nodded and handed Ren their phone. He Dialed Xisuma's number as it was the first one he remembered. Please pick up please pick up please pick up, "H-hello?" X answered to which Ren immediately stated, "X, It's me Ren and I've somehow ended up in London. Someone brought me and Doc's tabby Gingerbread here and I don't know where they are but they want Doc and Mumbo dead.", "Woah Ren slow down, Where are you and are you safe?" X then asked now alert and not asleep. "I'm ok, And I'm outside Stratford station" Ren Replied hearing x hum in acknowledgement and then say, "stay there and I'll come pick you up.", he then hung up and Ren sighed.  The stranger wasn't really paying attention to what Ren had Said to X so they just asked for the phone back. Ren just nodded giving it back. He brushed his hand where he had been pricked on the neck by the muzzle. They were both already dried so he wouldn't have to worry about bleeding slowly to his death.

What was taking X so Long at this rate the Captor was looking for him. "Ren? you over here?", Someone called out to which Ren's ears twitched and he looked up and around, "X? is that you?", "What do you think you mutt, I finally found you after searching for a couple hours" Anon snarled as Ren quickly stood up ready to fight until he saw the gun and raised his hands above his head in fear of getting shot. "Now will you so kindly tell me how you escaped the holding cell". "W-wait that was a h-holding c-cell? Where w-was I going to b-be t-taken to." He just laughed manically [no-one was around] and then said, "What do you think? Of cause I was going to sell you to someone who would want something to abuse one way or another, It's the real world or are you too innocent because you come from that isolated Village", "Erm actually it is a town" "DON'T TALK BACK, mutt". Anon Shouted as they pushed Ren against the wall palms against the wall. Ren closed his eyes  out of fear but then heard someone else's footsteps which were too quiet for anon to hear. Ren then heard another gun click so it was loaded. He looked out and saw X pointing a gun at anon. Ren didn't think Xisuma had a gun.  Ren felt himself getting pulled by anon and being held as a living shield. Gun still to his head. "You are going to let me go alive and with the mutt, okay?" anon threatened but X didn't budge. He was willing to shoot or was bluffing his confidence. "If you move with Ren I will shoot".









Anon missed X and was Dragging Ren away [who was too scared to struggle against anon]. To which X Shot and hit anon in the foot.  At this point Ren's ears were bleeding from the exposure to such loud sounds. Anon let go of Ren comically hopping in pain. Ren just fell to his knees clutching his bleeding ears in pain. X ran up to Ren saying something shooting a couple more times at anon and then bring Ren home. Ren soon fainted from the shock and X took the opportunity to examine any physical injuries. None other than red marks fading on his face and to small dot on either side of his neck.

X took the quickest route back to HermitVille.

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