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I got a text from Parker


You bringing your suit on
the trip?

Bucky's making me

I don't think I'm gonna

You gonna die


Bucky had been staying over that weekend. He thought it would be stupid if I didn't take it.

-The next day

Me and MJ walked over and sat with Ned and Peter in the library. MJ went and sat with Betty."You excited for the trip, Rose?" Peter asked. "I am. I guess I am, yeah." I told him.
"That couldn't sound more fake." He smiled. "Ha Ha. I'm just—hoping it goes well." I stammered.

"I know, doll." He nodded. Parker had been calling me that a lot recently, I thooght it was sweet, but the fact he said it in front of Ned was probably not the best idea. I blushed and put my head in my hands, so it wasn't noticeable. Ned looked at Parker, shocked.

"What" ned yelled. "He's just...kidding. He's kidding." I
chuckled, I looked at Peter with a smile, he was trying to contain his laughter. "Did I miss something?" Ned asked.
"No. He was joking." I insisted.

-Later that day

Me and Ned walked to the cafeteria. "You ok, Zanna?" He asked me. "Huh? Yeah I'm good." I nodded. "No you're not." He shook his head. I sighed with a faint smile "no...I'm not."
"You're my favourite." He smiled, pulling me into a hug. "Thanks, Leeds. You're my favourite." I returned the smile.

"You know MJ likes Peter?" He asked. "What?" I asked. "She didn't tell you?" He asked. "No. Good for her, you know? She's pretty, he's pretty. She's nice, he's nice. They'd be good together. " I nodded, with a fake smile. "Never ever consider being an actress, Zan." Ned chuckled.

"What?" I asked. "Rose, you guys have been head over heels in love with each other for ages, everyone knows it, don't give me 'what'." Ned rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." I shook my head.

"Yeah you do. You're jealous." He smirked. "No, I'm not jealous. I've got no reason to be jealous. Parker's my friend and I made that choice, I can't get mad at my best friend liking him." I shrugged. "You guys are soulmates. I'm telling you." Ned chuckled. "Get outta here." i laughed.

"Who's your soulmate?" Peter asked. Me and Ned screamed in shock. "Oh...erm. Rose...and...." Ned stuttered looking at me. I put my head in my hands from embarrassment. "Captain America...?" Ned stuttered. "Captain America?" Peter laughed. "Ha—erm- I'm just gonna—" I stuttered and left.

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Where stories live. Discover now