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I arrived back at the hotel and walked over to Parker in the lobby. We all sat down, ready for the carnival. "Good news! We're going to the opera!" Harrington declared. I was confused but stayed silent. "You're kidding me. The opera?" Betty yelled. "Don't look at me." Mr. Dell shook his head.
"What happened to the carnival?" MJ asked. "This is upgrade living, guys. Come on the your company gave us these tickets." Harrington explained.

Ned and I looked over at Parker as if to say 'this cause of the monster?' He nodded. Harrington carried on "For free! Do you have any idea how much opera tickets cost?" "No, because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera, ever." Flash rolled his eyes. I looked at Ned as if to say 'help'
"Uh, I think this is gonna be very culturally enriching for us." Ned chimed in. "Thank you, Ned." Mr Harrington nodded. "Oh, god." I whispered to Peter. "Everyone, this is gonna be, maybe, the best four hours of our whole trip." Mr Harrington shrugged. "Four hours?!" Everyone yelled in unison.  "Guys, I think this is gonna be fun. Seriously." Ned repeated. I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

*In the auditorium*

"Okay, here we are. Beat the rush." Mr Harrington chuckled. "You look beautiful." brad smiled. I smiled "Thank you."
"I'll save you a seat." He told me. I smiled again. "You look really pretty." I heard from behind me, it was Peter.
"And therefore I have value?" MJ responded. Is he kidding? I'm right here. "No—-no that's not what I meant at all, I was just—-" Peter stuttered. "I'm messing with you." MJ smiled. I'm in disbelief. I don't know what to do, I just stand there, frozen. "Thank you. You look pretty too." MJ told him. I chuckled to myself "Sadly I'm not surprised" I spat, as I walked over to the seats, I sat next to Brad.

"You okay?" Brad asked. "I'm great." I nodded, fake smiling.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned my head around, it was Peter. Brad and I stuck our middle fingers up at him and turned back around. "Rosa, do you read me?" I heard Fury ask in my ear piece. "Yes" I whispered.

I got up and walked off. "What was that about?" Peter asked, as we started walking out of the theatre. "I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged. "You just yelled in the middle of there for no reason!" He scolded.
"I did no such thing." I rolled my eyes, as Parker was trying to catch up to the pace I was walking at. "You chucked your bag on the floor and yelled 'sadly I'm not surprised!' And stomped off like a child." Peter scolded. "I didn't wanna intrude the conversation you were having with your girlfriend." I sarcastically smiled. "Stop it." He spat.
"Wait, you don't remember? Let me remind you, then, sweetheart. 'You look really pretty, thank you, you look pretty too'." I mocked.

"I was complimenting a friend and I only said it because you were flirting with Brad! You know what? You're right. This isn't gonna work." He groaned. Is he serious? All I've done over the last few months is show him the fact that I'm in love with him. He's accusing me of flirting with Brad? He's flirting with my best friend right in front of me and turning it around on me? He's ending all of this for nothing?

" 'a friend' that's literally in love with you! Brad said I looked beautiful. I never said it back. I said thank you. I didn't start it by going up to him and saying it first! I don't even care this is like we're in third grade." i groaned. "Do what you want Parker, we never said we were exclusive, it's fine. Go do your thing with MJ. I'm gonna kill a fire monster." I spat, as I zipped up my suit and walked off.
"Zan!" He called, I took a deep breath and carried on walking.

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Where stories live. Discover now