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Parker knocked on the door to my room. "Hey." He sighed.
"Yeah?" I questioned. "Can I?" He asked pointing to my bed.
"Be my guest." I shrugged. "How was your drink with Beck?" I asked. "Fine." He nodded quickly. "Great." I responded He sat next to me. We stayed silent for a few seconds.

"So we wasted years on just being strangers again, huh?" I asked. "No." He shook his head. i sighed as i looked to the ground. "Hey.." Peter whispered as he pulled me into his chest. he rubbed my back "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." i whispered. "This isn't your fault, doll. None of this is your fault. I got...jealous and acted like a little kid and decided to get you back." He smiled, softly. "No, this was on me it's not fair to take all my pain out on you and MJ. If you wanna be with her, Parker, I'll be happy for you, I'm not gonna stand in the way of anything." I promised.

"Rose, I don't wanna be with her. I don't." He insisted, still holding me. "Listen to me, okay? I got a lot of fears, Zan, I do. But my biggest fear, is losing you. I can't imagine my life without you, I can't. I would've fallen apart without you, that's the truth. You've helped me more than anyone. i'm in love with you." He told me. "But this....what is it? What are we?" I stuttered.  "We're...two people...who fell in love and have issues." He chuckled. I laughed "true that."

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Where stories live. Discover now