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Where have you been - Rihanna

Peter yelled "hey! You ready to let go?" "Yeah, see ya in a minute!" I yelled as I let go of him and flew back towards him as his parachute caught him. We flew into the fake elemental thing. "Oh! It's not real! It's not real! It's not real!" Peter yelled. I landed on a drone and sat on top of it. Peter was Panting. "Parker, you all right?" I yelled. "Yeah! That's awesome." He called as we looked out to the drones. Parker and I destroyed a load of drones, the illusion was coming apart and I saw Beck stood inside a bridge.

"I've got him!" I yelled. Parker hit the bridge and fell to the tower bridge. I flew down to him. I saw Happy's jet get blown up and my heart dropped. "Happy?! Are you good?!" I yelled. "Yeah. We're okay. Just get Beck." Happy ordered.
Hundreds of drones started firing at Peter and I and we tried our best to dodge them. "Happy! Are you there? Say something! Say anything!" I yelled. "I'm here. I'm here." Happy assured. "Thank god." Peter yelled.

A drone fired at me, getting me in the chest. "You okay?" He yelled. "I'm fine. Get him!" I yelled back. "Come on!" He scolded. "You're gonna kill me!" I yelled, knowing what I needed to do. "I got no webs." Peter groaned. I completely destructed a drone and handed it to Parker, he got ahold of the tower bridge sign and used it as a shield. I smiled at him. "What you thinking about?" He asked. "You look like Cap!" I smirked flying off. I flew towards the part of the bridge that Beck was stood in and broke the glass, kicking him in the face. Suddenly, Peter jumped up through the glass that Beck was standing in and punched him round the face. He got ahold of Beck as he was hanging from the top of the ceiling.

"Your lies are over, Beck." Peter sighed. "This certainly isn't ideal, but I have contingencies." Beck smirked. I knew what was coming. I looked around me as I felt a drone shoot me from behind, I fell to the ground but stood straight up.
"Give me the glasses." I spat. "You want these? Come and get 'em." Beck told me as drones started emerging in front of us. "Really? You're that much of a pussy that you can't fight us yourself?" I chuckled. Everything went black I saw green air coming towards me, I couldn't see Peter. Just myself. Suddenly, the illusion came apart, by Peter destroying all the drones.

"Fire all the drones now!" Beck yelled. As soon as he said that I felt a sharp pain by my hip. I got fired at. I fell to the ground, I wasn't gonna let this stop me, I could still crawl. I crawled towards Beck as a drone shot him in his stomach and he fell. "Rose! Don't!" Parker begged as I got closer to the drones. I stood up and walked towards Beck. "You're disgusting." I spat. "You lied to me. And I trusted you." Peter frowned. "I know. That's the most...d-disappointing part. You're good people. Such a weakness. Stark was right. You do deserve them." Beck panted as he handed over the glasses. "But you, Rosanna. You're not a stark. Your dad wouldn't be happy, he died for what? For you to have panic attacks?"

"Actually, dude. I am a Stark. My Dad's resting in paradise right now, and he's proud as hell. You're wrong." I
rolled my eyes. "Zanna! Careful!" Peter yelled as he got ahold of me. "Wha—" I stuttered. Just then a shot was taken, I was confused. But Parker caught the gun in his hand, suddenly, Beck appeared to be stood right next to us he had a gun in his hand, Peter twisted Beck's arm so he dropped the gun. "You can't trick me anymore." Peter spat to Beck.
Peter got ahold of the glasses and let go of me, I fell to the floor. "EDITH, turn off the drones. Execute them all!" Peter yelled. All the drones flew away.

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Where stories live. Discover now