3.Draco Malfoy x reader Mudblood

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Plot: You are twin sister of the famous Hermione Granger. After fighting with Draco things are different than before.                                                                                                                                          Words: 1142                                                                                                                                                                Warnings: Bullying and fluff


I had just started my fifth year in Hogwarts, whit my twin sister Hermione, and with best friends Harry and Ron. I am a Rawenclaw, I have brown curly hair and green eyes.

I was walking just towards the potion class, holding my booklet tight against my chest. "Hey mudblood where you're in a hurry," I heard Malfoy scream in his Slytherin group. "Well if you have to know I'd like to be in potion class," I replied to Malfoy. I couldn't disagree that he was really handsome and I had a crush on him, but I tried to ignore it.

Before I got past them, someone put their feet up and fell to the ground and my books spread everywhere. Slytherins laughed and walked towards to potions. After collecting my book, I also went to a class where Snap was already, but the class hadn't started yet. I went to my usual place next to Hermione.

"Today, I put you into pairs and you make me a the potion what is on the board," Snape said in his bored voice and continued, "Here are the pairs. Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson,
Potter and Zabini,
And finally Malfoy and Y / N Granger. "I looked at my friends in horror, as we were both good at drinks and always arque often. We went to a table and started preparing the potion in silence.

Dracon POV

I watched as Y / N put the necessary ingredients in the potion, while her curly hair fell on her face. I know I shouldn't think of her that she is beautiful and lovely, but I couldn't stop it. The most beautiful thing is when the green forest eyes of her meet my, even if they only show anger.

We prepared our potion in silence until we reached for the same substance and our hands brushed each other. I felt my face warm up, and I quickly pulled my hand away and didn't look at Y / N at all for the rest of the hour.


After touching Malfoy's hand I didn't look at him and luckily we got our potion ready in silence. As soon as I went out of class without bothering to even wait for Harry, Ron, or Hermione, I ran straight to look for Fred and George.

After searching for them for an hour, I finally found them hiding behind two armor. "Fred, George would you like to help me do a prank for Malfoy, I have an awesome plan," I told them. "Oh, did Malfoy do something again where our little Y / N got embarrassed because he likes the ferret," Fred said and George laughed in the background. "Whether, you want to know it or not," I said irritably.


The next day (Saturday) I walked with Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione towards the hallway when we heard a sound from behind us. "Granger !! What have you done to my hair" Malfoy shouted and marched towards us. I couldn't help but I started laughing because I had put pink hair color in his shampoo, with Fred and George yesterday and now his hair was pink.

When others also noticed Malfoy's hair. "Oh Draco, don't you like your new hairstyle," I said among the laugh. Before I could say anything else he grabbed my arm and set out to pull me towards the astronomical tower.

When we got up the many stairs, I laughed all the time and he half supported me. "Could you stop laughing Granger," Malfoy said irritably. After a moment of giggling, I said "Oh doesn't Malfoy like pink, should I have put red or yellow" I continued teasing.

"Could you be even a moment quiet you stupid mudblood," he said irritably and a little angrily. Of course I got angry at this appointment, so I started yelling at him and he back at me until we were right face to face. Before I had time to start a new accusation, Draco suddenly put his hand on my cheek and that's when the words got stuck in my throat. We stared into each other's eyes for a really long time.

Then without any sense, Draco leaned forward and kissed me directly on the lips. I couldn't resist but kissed him back and I felt he smile against my lips. Then he gently pulled away and stayed to look at me. "Y / N, I know this sounds really hard to believe, but I like you, from the third year. If you want me to change or stop doing something then I'll do it. I know you probably don't want to be with me and you hate me for everything I've said and I understand that. " Draco said with a slight blush on his pale face.

At first I could only stare with my mouth open, I had dreamed of this day for a long time. Then I realized I hadn't answered yet and hurried to answer, "Draco, I like you too. You don't have to change, but you could be kinder to my sister and friends sometimes." Draco looked me in the eyes and smiled with a true smile the first time I saw him, and wrapped me in a tight hug.


I kept my relationship with Draco as a secret, we met the astronomy tower whenever it was possible, I didn't dare tell my friends yet.

I sat outside and playing with my owl, Shadow, also Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred and George were next to me and talking about something. That's when I noticed that Draco and the other Slytherins were walking up to us, I had agreed with Draco that we would make our relationship official today but not how. I watched as Draco walked closer until he stood right in front of me and held out his hand to help me up from the ground. Others looked at us in shock, I didn't care about it but I hugged Draco and stayed in his arms.

"Y / N what this is" Hermione asked me. "Well Granger, I and Y / N are together," Draco said, I buried my face in his chest at the same time. "What!!?" Harry and Ron shouted at the same time Fred and George shouted "We knew, pay now." I laughed at the stupidity of my friends and even Draco smiled. "Well it took you long enough," Hermione said with a smile. "Of course you knew it Granger, what you don't know," Draco said with a credit in his voice.

From this day forward, Draco got along better with Hermione and my other friends. We were happy, and we got married a year after the Battle of Hogwarts and had a son, Scorpius Malfoy.

~The End~

A/N I hope that you like this story, please forgive me my grammar errors.

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