11. Tonto x reader Stupid Horse

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Plot: You are John's sister and you have a crush on Tonto. One night Silver help you to get your relationship further.                                                                                                                                  Words: 836                                                                                                                                                          Warnings: Fluff and a stupid horse


I ride trough a rocky landscape. Next to me ride my brother John and my Indiana friend Tonto, or at least I think he is my friend. Two months ago we win Butch Cavendish and John became the Lone Ranger. 

Many people look at me always when I ride past them. They don't see a woman use pants and ride with an Indiana. I help Tonto and my brother win Butch and after that I have followed them on their adventures. I never wanted to stay home while my brothers risk their lives, so it take me to the situation where I am right now. 

"We make a camp here tonight" my brother say as we arrive to a place where a few trees grow. I get of my horse as John takes it, Silver and Tonto's horse to a tree and binds them. I go finding wood so we can start a fire. I walk further but then I hear John say "Y/N, don't go alone. Tonto go please with her". I sigh, but don't argue. 

We walk in silent and pick up some trees. I don't know what to say, I have some feelings for Tonto, but can't believe that he would have any feelings for a girl like me. Especially after his past and that I am not an Indiana. 

After a while I hear a howl in the night. "What was that?" I ask a bit afraid. " A dingo. We go now" Tonto say and take the wood and head back to the camp. I walk right behind him, I have still sometimes nightmares from Butch and after that I have been afraid of strange noises. I feel safer when I am near Tonto or my brother. 

"We must be careful, a dingo is out there" Tonto say as he start making fire. "We should be tomorrow back by Rebecca" John and smile when he think about her. "I don't come. I stay in the nature" I say. "I stay with Y/N" Tonto say. "What if you two take Tonto's horse and Silver. And I take Y/N's horse" my brother say, I nod. 


In the next morning I take Silver and John take my. "We meet in five days by that hill" John say and point a hill nearby. "Bye. Say hello to Rebecca from me" I say to him as he ride away. "Where we go?" Tonto ask. "I don't know, choose you" I say to him. He start leading the way and I follow him. 

We ride in silence for hours. "Tonto. Where are we going" I ask him. "My old village" he answer. I feel bad for asking, because there he lost his whole kin. I just hope that he isn't too sad or angry. 

After some hours we arrive in the place where Tonto want us to be. I get down from Silver and go to Tonto's horse. I take them to a tree and bind them, after that I go back to Tonto who is starting a fire. "Do we have any food" I ask him. "No food" Tonto answer. "I try to get us some rabbits" I say walking away. 

When I return to the camp I have two rabbits. But I cant cook them, so I give them to Tonto saying "Here I got them, I hope you can use them". He take the rabbits and start making them as food. I watch as Tonto make food, he is handsome in his own way. 

"Here food" Tonto say giving me one rabbit. I take it and start eating it. Suddenly I feel a horse nose on my hand. "Silver what do you want" I ask the horse. It come closer and bit a part of my rabbit. "Something is really wrong with that horse" Tonto say following as Silver eat the rabbit. 

"Stupid horse" I say and push Silver away from me. But Silver have different ideas, he bush me and I fall over Tonto. When I look up I see that I lie over Tonto, our face is just few centimetres away from each other. I blush, I have never been so close other men, just my brothers and Dan. 

"I-uh. I-I sorry" I say trying to get away, but then I feel Tonto warps his hands around my waist. I look up to his black eyes. I can't read his expression, because the painting on his face. "Beautiful" Tonto whisper. I look shyly down, no one have ever called me beautiful. 

Tonto take my chin between his fingers and pull my face closer to his. Finally after a long time of dreaming our lips tough and I feel like a explosion is going through me. When we separate Tonto say to Silver "Now I know, you pretend stupid". I can't other but laugh. 

-The End- 

Hi, sorry for this shorter imagine, I started writing it before and when I started it again I lost my idea. And I a little bit stressed from school.~R   

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