14. Draco x Weasley reader Prank War

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Plot: Y/N is Ron's twin, who is more like Fred and George. Her favorite activity is doing pranks on Draco, what ends up in war. Middle of the war they mess each other in a situation where they confess their feeling. 
Words: 1144
Warnings: None expect fluffy and stupid pranks. 

Hi! I am Y/N Weasley, Ron's twin sister. I am with Fred and George the troublemakers of the family, sometimes people think that I am their twin. Now I am standing behind a statue waiting that I see Draco Malfoy. You are now thinking why I am waiting for him, let me tell you the story how we got here. 

The thing is I should hate Draco, but somehow I have got feelings for him. Maybe it's his looks or how he can be nice to those who he cares about. Anyways, I hide my feeling and make pranks on him. Mostly I do them alone and sometimes Fred and George join me. One day after I colored Draco's hair red, he started doing pranks on me too. And so we are here where we are. 

Just now he walks around the corner shouting "Weasley where are you!!". I step out and say "I am here. Is there anything that I can do for you". I can see that he gets angrier by every second that passes. "You know really well what I want. Now tell me where are my books" Draco say. This morning I took his books, with the help of Peeves, and brought them up in the astronomy tower. 

"I think they are up in the astronomy tower, if Peeves hasn't throw them away" I say trying to hold my laugh. Before I can say anything else he runs past me trying to get his books before the class begins. 


I sit in potions class and watch as Draco tries to explain to Snape why is he late. I need to cover my mouth with my hand that Draco can't see me smirking to his situation. "Y/N are you in someway responsible for Malfoy being late" Hermione whispers next to me. "Maybe and Peeves helped me a lot" I whisper back. 

"I still can't understand how you can be friends with him. He hates every student except you" Ron says from the other side of me. "It's really easy, you need just understand him" I say. I became friends with Peeves after the first year after I helped him on one his pranks. 

In the middle of potions making I feel that my red hair starts to float in the air. I look around and see Draco smirking at me, he made my hair float. I just ignore him and continue making the potion. "Y/N you know your hair is floating" Harry ask me. "I know that really good" I say smiling, because I know that it annoys Draco more than anything. 


I walk in the hall planing my next prank on Draco. I thought I push him in the room of requirement and command the room to hold him there one day, before letting him out again. Then perfectly to my plan Draco walks down the hall. I hide fast behind a pillar that is near the room of requirement. 

As he is passing me I jump out and start pushing him towards the room. He is so surprised that he don't try to push me away. I push him in the room and say smirking "Don't let anyone out before tomorrow midday". The only thing I didn't think about was what if Draco pulls me inside too. 

That just happens as I realize it. The door closes and I hear a click that means the door is closed and I have no way out. "Why did you pull me here with you!!!" I shout at Draco who looks at me still surprised. He looks at me for a while before says annoyed "Obviously because I don't want to stay here and wanted you to suffer the same fate". 

I walk to a corner and sit down. Why I didn't think more about this before I did it. Sometimes I should listen to Hermione. "You look cute when you are angry" Draco says from the other corner where he sits looking at me. "Oh shut up, ferret" I say and wish for a pillow. 

A pillow appears next to me and I take it. I hug the pillow as I try to think how I should spend 24 hours with this annoying ferret. Suddenly I feel someone sitting next to me, I look up and see Draco sitting just a few inches away. 

"What do you want now" I ask tired, I don't want to argue, I just want to forget everything. I want to forget this stupid prank war, all my worries and my feelings for Draco. I feel how he wraps his hand around my shoulders. "What are you doing-" I ask but he interrupts me saying "Shh, let me just do this once". 

I let him do that, secretly I have dreamed about this. " I am sorry about every prank that I have done for you" I whisper knowing that he hears it. "I really never minded. I actual enjoyed it. It cave me a reason to see you every day" he says and surprise me. "Why do you wanted to see me so often?" I ask curiously. 

"Oh what does it change anything if I tell you, so I just tell you. I really like you Y/N, I never thought that I would like someone like you. And I don't mean your family, I mean that you are a sunshine, always happy and so kind. I know that you would never like me back" he confess. I wasn't ready for it so I just stare at him for a while. 

When I remember that I haven't said anything i say "I like you too Draco. I never thought you could like someone like me. Now when I said that I can say that I prank you because I wanted you to talk to me" I say and blush as red as my hair.  

"I am happy" Draco says and smiles a real smile that I don't see often. "Shut up and kiss me already" I say surprising both of us. "As you wish red head" Draco says and before I have time to complain about the nickname, he kisses me. 


Fred's POV

I walk into the room of requirement and see two people sitting in a corner. When I look closer I see very familiar red and blond hair. I realize that my baby sister is sleeping on Draco Malfoy's shoulder. She has a lot of explaining as she wakes up, put for now I let them both sleep.  

~The End~

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