17. Camilo x reader Chameleon

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Plot: Y/N is a normal villager in Encanto. Camilo helps her family, Y/N and Camilo start spending more time. After a time they have courage to confess with a little help from Antonio.
Words: 900 
Warnings: None, fluffy. 

I wake up to a normal day in Encanto, I live with my 3 siblings, parents and grandmother. Today my parents and grandmother are going to the market and I am going to be alone with my siblings so my parents asked Camilo Madrigal to help. Yes the Camilo Madrical. 

After few minutes I hear a knock from the door. "Hello" I say opening the door. Behind it stands a boy with freckles, dark brown curly hair, green eyes and the yellowish poncho. "Hi, I heard you need my help" Camilo says stepping inside our house. "Yes I can't watch over my three sibling all by myself" I explain to him. And that's how I talked to Camilo for the first time. 

I have seen him help other villagers many times and always admired how easily he speaks to all the people he meets. I can say that I find him very attractive, but I wouldn't call it a crush. But that is enough of my thought, I must concentrated on that my siblings don't set the house on fire. 


That happened about three months ago, in that time I have grown closer to Camilo. We are friends now and meet nearly everyday, sometimes he stays the night by us or I go to the Madrigals. I have meet his siblings and cousins too, Antonio and Dolores and Mirabell, Isabella and Luisa. My feelings have grown towards the shapeshifter, he is so kind and caring towards all people and animals. 

Today I am supposed to meet Camilo in his house. I walk trough Encanto and smile at people who I know. On the way to their house I buy a cake that I can give it to Alma or Julieta. Finally after a nice walk I reach the house, it waves its door at me and I wave back happy to see the house. 

As I walk inside I am immediately greeted by Dolores and Mirabell. They tell me that Camilo is in his room doing something and I should go there. I walk the stairs up and then the way to his room, which I already could walk in my sleep. I knock the door because I feel bad if I walk somewhere without knocking. 

"Come in" I hear Camilo shout. I walk inside his familiar room. The room is light yellow color and one wall is full of mirrors and pictures so he can practice his shifting. The other wall are decorated with books, little paintings and in one corner is a pretty big space where he can dance. After admiring the room for the hundreds time I look where Camilo is, he is sitting on his bed and writing something down on paper. 

"Hi Camilo" I say sitting next to him. I reach to my back as he says "Hi Y/N". "I have something for you" I say giving him a chameleon plushie. I made the plushie myself and wanted to give it to him because I know how much he likes chameleons.  "Did you make this? It's so beautiful!! Thank you so much Y/N!!" Camilo says exited and hugs me. Of course I hug him back and we both smile, he because he likes the gift and I because I am happy that he likes the gift. 

"How is your family" Camilo asks, he has grown pretty close with my family like I have grown close to his. "They are good, my sister isn't sick and grandma is still her weird self" I say. After that we continue the conversation and have fun talking about the most useless and stupid things that we can think of. At one point we are laughing so hard that we almost fall of the bed. 

We are interrupted by Antonio who runs in the room when we are talking about why does watermelon is called watermelon. "Camilo did you ask her already to be your girlfriend?" he asks as Camilo freeze and looks like he has seen a ghost. "Antonio, I think you should go out, please" I say worried as Camilo starts changing into different peoples until he is back to himself. 

"What did Antonio meant, Camilo?" I ask as my heart nearly stops beating. "H-He said that because I may or may not have told to Dolores that I wanted to ask you something and he might have heard it" Camilo says not meeting my eyes and visibly blushing. I can feel myself blushing too, but I ask him one thing that has been on my min since Antonio said that "Camilo, do you like me?"

He nods still not meeting my eyes. "I like you too" I whisper and I see him quickly rise hid head. "R-Really" he asks and I nod in respond. He hugs me so suddenly that we both fall on the bed laughing. "So, do you wanna be my girlfriend" Camilo asks looking at me. "Yes, I would like that" I say placing a kiss on his cheek. After the kiss Camilo changes to other people again before he hugs me and buries his head into my hair. My chameleon, I think and continue cuddling with him. 

~The End~

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