Questions and answers - Vision

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"Oh omg that is not ok," I said holding my hand up to my racing heart "and why is that" Vision asked as he casually floated through the wall in my bedroom "because Vis there's a thing called privacy and you nearly scared me to death" I answered

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"Oh omg that is not ok," I said holding my hand up to my racing heart "and why is that" Vision asked as he casually floated through the wall in my bedroom "because Vis there's a thing called privacy and you nearly scared me to death" I answered.

"Oh," he said looking a little confused "but you have been nicknamed the cavalry why are you afraid," he asked "sometimes sudden movements are scary," I said smirking at the nickname.

"Now sit let me show you a movie," I said patting the spot next to me, I laid back as I pressed play on The Maze Runner knowing Vision would have a million questions.

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