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America POV:

Borrrrring. Like always there is a meeting every Week. And like Always ,the German is holding his speech. I almost could fall Asleep in this atmosphere but then would the UN get really mad at me and i don't need that.

And then something happened what i didn't expect, not because i wouldn't believe he wouldn't do it or something ,but i wouldn't think that he would do it in the meeting. Then all of a sudden North-Korea was standing in the door, after he busted it open. He stomped in my direction and i knew exactly why. And i knew this will be fun.

North:" delete the Photo now." in a demanding and aggressive voice.

UN:" Could you please do that after the Meeting?" It almost sounded begging.

North looked me in the eyes, dead in the eyes and i said:" I have no idea of what you are talking about." That was a lie, i knew exactly what he is talking about.

North clenched his teeth together and said:" You know exactly what i'm talking about, so delete it or i'l make you."

Me:" Make me? I want to see that ,you little dog." as i said that ,i let my Glasses slide a little bit down, so he could see my eyes and my Smile with it.

North was rally pissed of that and then he was leaving. just like that? What? I wanted a fight. He was walking to the UN, is he asking now the UN to help him. But no, he stop in the middle center. That was exactly in front of the UN, EU, Asean and the NATO ,there was this pedestal. North had something with him and he placed it on the pedestal an played around with it.

UN:" Can't you do that somewhere else?"

North:" I'm Sorry but the Congress is the only Place here that has enough Energie to power it."

UN:" What even is this?"

ME:" Probably some stupid toy from North-Korea."

North:" I didn't expect that you wouldn't recognize it. This is an E-Bomb when you don't want to delete the Photo then i delete your Complete Phone."

Germany:" Are you stupid, an E-Bomb will not only delete or better destroy Americas Phone but everyone's here."

North:" Thank America for it."

UN:" e?, e-bomb?, what was that again." whisperer the UN to himself, but everyone could here it. And the Samaritan i am i said :" An E-Bomb creates an Electric Impulse, that destroys every Electronic in it's Way. So it would destroy every electronic in the Complete Congress."

over UN's Face castes a Shadow and then he Screamed:" WAIT." the UN pulled his hand forward but before he could react any further North said:" I'm sorry ,i will pay for everything." And then he activated it.

( I have no idea how an EMP works, so i imagined something, if it is wrong, please forgive me. But i couldn't find anything on the Internet.)

An ear drumming sound clutched against the walls. Everyone went silent. Everyone held there ears, because of the loud sound and after a few seconds the phones went all out and some even exploded (little explosions, like a wire burnt trough) after a while, it went silent. Everyone looked to North in anger. 

But then i heard a sound, like someone would fall to the ground. I and probably everyone else looked in the direction and we saw nothing, the UN...is gone. Before anyone could do something ,the EU that is standing right next to the UN started to Scream:" UN." and he ducked under the table and then i knew what that sound was. Was that the EMP? impossible, an EMP doesn't hurt people. Right?


What the Fuck just happened. The UN tried to stop North and after the E-Bomb got activated, he stood still and then he fell. Just like that, he was unconscious, didn't America mean that an EMP is harmless to people.

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