7. Are these memories?

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Elsa POV:

I found something, ...Memorys? Yes, old ones but better then Nothing. I wanted a closer look, and watched his memory, it is 9/11, but that's Impossible, on that day the UN had an Check up here. I found more Memorys, there are just fragments, but there are from things that happened around the World, Tragedy's. But most of them are impossible. I mean, the UN is almost never leaving the USA ,but he has Memorys from all that things. 

How could he have seen these Things? I saw another Fragment fly by, i chased after it and then got it.


I was at another Place. I still don't know were, but this time i was in a Jungle. I watched around and saw Soldiers. I was walking to them and looked straight at them but it seemed as they couldn't see me. I got closer as i was Scarred by another Soldier jumping from a Tree and attacking the Soldiers on the Ground. More and more jumped out of Trees and Bushes. I took a few steps back, so i could see everything better. And then i felt a heart aching feeling, as i was watching it. Blood, Pain, Dead. They killed each other, but it was after seconds over. The Soldiers on the Ground lost, the Enemy just had the Surprise Effect and overwhelmed them......why do i prefer to them as Enemy's?

As what ever this is, didn't fade like last time ,so i predicted that it wasn't over. The Soldiers that jumped out of the Tree, talked a little bit, but i didn't understand anything, but not because i don't know the Language but because i just heard rustling. Then the Group started walking away and i followed them. We all walked a little bit and then we were at a camp...i think. The Soldiers rested there and in the Middle i could see a big Flag swinging in the Wind. It was.......and then everything went Black.

Elsa POV:

Damit i lost it. How did it got away so easily. Dammit. I searched after it, but it was gone. Forget it, next one. I need something that doesn't Disappear when i open it. Something that can be Repaired. I searched again and found an Entrance to his Main System. Maybe i find something there, i make my way as i find another Data, that isn't completely Destroyed, it's seems like another Memory....or whatever all this is.


And again i changed Place and again i didn't recognize the Place, but there were a lot of People. It was Night and as i looked around, i saw that i was standing on a Roof of a building and looked down to a Mass Group of people and a Wall separates them. The people are Climb on the Wall and a lot of Light sources are all over the Place. And then i hear them Screaming.

And then i see people Smacking at the wall with hammers and whatever they had. I looked a bit around and saw a big Building out of Sandstone with four Horses on top. And on it where Flags, but before i got a better look of them, i heard a loud bang. I watched down to the people again and saw that they ripped part of the Wall of. ....I wonder if this is Legal?

I watch the Chaos unfold and remember that i wanted to know the Flag, i watch back at the Flag on the Sandstone Building, i recognized a Yellow but for the rest it were to dark. I have no idea what Country that is. And before i can Think more about it everything went Black again.

Elsa POV:

This time it hold longer, but still.... the More i go in the Better are my Chances it seems. So i go further just ignore everything that i see, because it will Probably Crumble too. I watch around and find a Code text fly around me, i watch after it and thought about it and then Decided to ignore it. I was going further in and then i saw Pictures. Complete Memorys? Or does it just look like it? Wait. These are Pictures from the Scenes that i just saw. So they didn't disappear but where transferred here. Why?.......Probably Because the System didn't recognize anything, so it put it in the Central System so it can Analyze everything. That means.... i go immediately back and search for the Code that was flying by earlier. 

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