15. The World Server

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The World Server, a name that often appears.....

It is a Server without a physical place.....

It is..... the Internet? Maybe. 

It is everything. 

It holds Memories, and Lies, as well as Emotions, like sorrow and happiness. 

It is... confusing. 

But it is ME. 

It holds my old self, as well as my future. 

It is an automatic save of the world around us, but because it holds so many information.... it is hard to go into. 

Some Humans scout the outside and grab the information represented there, but it goes so much deeper. 

Only You and Me, can go here. 


The Core of Information.

The real Internet, if you want.

The place, which doesn't delete sensitive information. Who has no concept of privacy. Who truly believes in the History of everyone.

It is.... dangerous. It knows us too well.

No. It has no heart, it does not care about you, or the others. This Information is his, and his alone.

But we are here.


So.... he wants us gone?


So ...he cares?

....maybe? Perhaps not. 


WHO Pov:

Something is terribly wrong. First UN acts weird again. Not the first time, though I hope it is not his PTSD acting up again. But now this. 

I stand before the comatose NASA, who doesn't move a muscle as he lies there in bed. An Arm less attached to him. I of course have his arm, Germany grabbed it. He wondered if it were still possible to attach it, but as I let my eyes go back to the severed arm, in the isolated box, I don't think so. The damage on the part connecting both, is just so destroyed. NASA straight up doesn't have a shoulder anymore and the arm is to that also broken in many places. 

How did this happen?

Why can't I know anything? 

This is not a work injury, and if there is some crazy Human running around again, then I would love to know. But I am not allowed to know, apparently. Germany told me to wait for NASA himself to say anything, but just by looking at him, I know that won't be anytime soon.

I then a hear a knock on the door and EU is entering the room. I of course immediately informed everyone about NASA's Condition, except UN. I couldn't get a hold of him sadly. I look down at my pocket, where my phone is, and have the urge to try again, but I have the feeling he won't pick up anyway. 

EU:" How is he?" I slowly look back at NASA who still lays there just like a few seconds ago. I don't know what I should say, to be honest. We did all the testing, but I have no results yet, so the only thing I can give EU is:" He is alive and won't die in the near future." I wish I could be more specific, but EU seems to understand, as he doesn't say anything and hums.

Then the door opens again and this time it is Germany, the one who brought him here and EU immediately turns on him and asks in a stern voice:" You have some explaining to do." Germany stops in his tracks and looks really troubled, before just looking at NASA and saying:" I am sorry, but I can't." 

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