9. Cloud

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After the UN was brought back to his Cell Germany wanted to know what is going on. And is Bombarding the NASA with Questions. 

NASA:" Calm down."

Germany:" CALM DOWN? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? I noticed that the UN is acting strange but.....what was that?" The NASA looked to the others and wasn't sure what he should do now. He thought about it and then the NASA Sighed. He looked at Germany and then Marcel intervened and said:" Don't if you tell him anything. We are in big Trouble."

NASA:" We ARE in big Trouble. And besides that Elsa didn't you say you need a helping hand?" Elsa looked troubled, but then she nodded and said:" Yes.....but.....he is a civilian. We can't drag him into this mess."

Germany:" Aren't i already in it?" We all looked Germany in the Eyes.

NASA:" NO, you aren't. But you will." Then NASA took a step closer to Germany and took his Arm und started to drag him.

Germany:" What? Where are you taking me?"

NASA:" You want to now the Truth about the UN? here you go. ELSA." As the NASA said Elsas Name, Elsa started going behind them and followed. Then they stopped in front of the Room of the UN.

Elsa:" Are you sure?"

NASA:" I can't change what happend." Then the NASA opened the Door and Germany could feel a slight pressure. He didn't know what to expect. Then all of them walked in and everyone saw the UN sitting on the Bed.

UN:" Hello NASA."

NASA:" Hi UN." Then the NASA pushed Germany in front of everyone and said:" UN this is Germany. You already meet him."

Germany: "Why are you introducing me? We now each other."

The UN was standing up and Germany needed to look up and then the UN reached his Hand at Germany to shake it and said:" Hi. My Name is UN but as you said you probably now me." Germany was confused, what is going on?

Germany POV:

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? My Brian is overflowing with every possible Emotion and Scenarios. I open my mouth too say something but it took me a Second to get a sound out.

Germany:" ......What happened?" I saw how the UN looked at me confused and said:" What do you mean?" Then i looked at NASA and Elsa. And Elsa was walking at me. She stopped at me and said:" He.....is an A.I. And the Electric Impulse killed his System sooooooooo he lost his Memories and everything else. That is why he is here." 













Germany:" WHAT?" I didn't really understand. Does she want to say, that the UN.....isn't really are Countryhuman?

Germany:" So.....the UN isn't a Countryhuman? When he is a A.I he can't be a Countryhuman. But then he wouldn't have the rights to lead the Group,....i don't get it, how?..."

NASA:" The Only Reason he is Leader is because nobody Knows." Wait that means......

Germany:" So that is why nobody should know." The UN then lets his Hand down again as he noticed Germany won't shake it.

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