16. Remorse?

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What is this feeling?

You talk about the Incident, right?

Yes. After I shot NASA, I felt weird. I hoped it would go away, but it isn't.




I don't think so.


....No. This feels unidentifiable, like its new.

Or a mix of many?


Shame that you missed your wanted target, even though you are programmed to hit, without making casualties. And Hate for blindly believing the system in the first place, since you know Germany, and should know he is no Danger. Maybe even Remorse, for hitting NASA, someone you could call a parent figure?


Just a guess. 

I sometimes forget you are supposed to be ME. 

I am not you. You are ME, but without the Memories. Without Limiters, without.... control.

Control? What even is that? Is complete control even possible?

Who knows? I would say so, I could deactivate the Security system, and calculate the risks myself.

And yet you died because of it. 

Nothing is perfect. And died is a strong word. 


I retreated to the Internet.

Do I even want complete control? Can I just 'not' listen to the system? Is that a wanted outcome?



Because rationality alone is a curse. 

Curse? A Curse has no cure, as it is no illness.

Yes. But a Curse is also a fictional concept, of gods and Demons. 

So I must fight the gods and demons?

Yes. While these deities are powerful and can assure your safety, they will destroy everything around you, to do that.

But is once own safety, not the highest priority?

NO. YOU are the safety of others. You assure peace. You wanted to know your goal, your mission, this is it. 

Peace. Peace is only temporary, or only partial. There is never complete peace, as long as there are emotions.

NO. this is not what I meant. I mean, you are there to get hit. 

I must get hurt, for others? That sounds harmful.

The context is wrong. Word it differently. Change the scenery. You are immortal.

So while I get hit, I can't die. But if I let others get hit, they will DIE. 

Yes. You are not even real anyway. You are a concept, that was made to kill, but changed to protect. Don't kill.


No, ....maybe. 

I don't want to be sacrificed for the sake of others.

Then don't. 

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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