His Favorite Elf

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Everyone loves Santa Claus, hell, I love Mr. Claus, but there's somethings people just don't know about the north pole. Santa is a player, he's not a single bit loyal to the Mrs., yet it's the only good drama we have up here. He loves to get with us elf's any chance he gets.

Another thing you should know is he's hot, sexy, huge, and amazing in bed. I know, how would I know about his sexual life. Well, every single entity in a 200 mile radius knows I'm his favorite elf, I have sexual intercourse with him everyday, at least five times a day.

The only issue with this is, is that everyone hates me. Every elf wants to be the the Clausmister, yet he chooses me, and Mrs. Claus is the worst. She hates me. 

This is my story of living in the north pole.

Author's note:

This is way to funny for me, all jokes btw.

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