We Were Forced To Search For Something In The Static...(Pt 2 - Final)

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By: u/aproyal

Part 2 (FINAL). In the static, you find truth.


The word knocked the wind right out of my lungs.

The room began to spin.

None of this made sense. None of it at all.

"Honey, are you okay? I know this is a lot."

I dug my heels into the concrete and wriggled free of the officer's grip. He reached again for my arm, but missed, as I dropped down to my knees.

"The hell is wrong with you, kid? Look around."

He motioned to the bodies - lifeless and scattered across the room. They all wore frozen expressions of terror, their wounds still seeping blood. I winced as I spotted Kai, a bullet wound through his forehead. It was carnage. And amongst it all, a few of the cops were stepping past the bodies. They were trying their best to salvage the remains of a pile of bloody, shredded paper.

"We have to get out of here!" He warned.

I couldn't. Not yet. Not after the bombshell that just got dropped on me.

"Momma, that's crazy talk! It's not true."

The static continued to steadily hum through the walls.

I could see the officer in front of me flagging down a few other officers by the door. Blood was splattered on their SWAT vests like an abstract art piece.

He grabbed my arm.

"Momma, they've got me. They're taking me away!" I shrieked, as three of them grabbed my flailing limbs. I resisted as best I could, pushing them away. Their combined strength was too much for me. They carried me out by my arms and legs, the deafening static fading away with every step.

"Be strong, Baby Boy," she wailed. "Remember Chicago and the static.

I was bawling hysterically as they carried me through the doorway into The Hall.

" I love you!" - a faint whisper in the distance.

I was lugged past the remains of crunched metal, as we turned left down a corridor. There was an ungodly amount of stairs before the sunlight hit us. I squinted as the scorching rays warmed my pale skin, a foreign feeling I hadn't experienced for a very long time.

They placed me on the sand, as I shielded my eyes from the rays.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Arizona," one of the officers said. " The Sonoran desert to be exact."

He opened the door of a large black van with tinted windows. Inside - a group of exhausted children, all huddled together.

"Get in, kid. We're going home."

We drove through the barren desert for what felt like hours. Six black vans speeding through the sand. The wheels kicked up dust that we could taste through the cracked windows in the back.

We had done the unthinkable - escaped. The look of calm was evident on our faces. I closed my eyes, traveling through the streets of downtown Chicago in my dreams.


I wiped the sleep away as we came to a stop.

I imagined walking through a police station, just like a crime documentary. I was wrong. We were being ushered through the doors of a brick office building. Above the door a sign read "FOR LEASE".

"Kids, you must be hungry? Thirsty?"

A lady with kind eyes and a maroon dress shirt greeted us at the door. Her badge swayed side to side as she handed out brown paper bags and water bottles.

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