The Flesh and Mango Candle

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By u/TwilightStarfish

The beginning, as far as I knew, was the day the candle showed up at our house.

Mom loved scented candles, but this wasn't one of her usual orders. It came in a nondescript package, addressed by hand. I never saw a return address.

I was at the dining table, working on my last essay of the school year, when Maple brought the package in. "Mom?" she called. "Do you know what this is?"

Mom walked into the living room. Daisy followed, carrying one of the many science books she'd gotten for her ninth birthday in April.

When Mom's eyes fell on the package, her expression changed.

As long as I could remember, she had always kept her cool in front of us kids. Even when things went to hell, she would stay in control. But right in front of my eyes, she snatched the box from Maple and snapped, "Where did you get this?"

"On the doorstep," Maple stuttered out.

Mom sighed. "Fine. Let me look at it." Package in hand, she retreated to her room.

"What's up with her?" Daisy asked.

Maple said nothing. She just looked like she wanted to disappear into the wall.

Several minutes of awkward silence later, Mom returned. At first glance, the thing she held was familiar: a yellowish-orange candle in a jar.

Daisy lit up. She loved candles as much as Mom, and for just a moment, her reaction made the situation seem normal. "Ooh! What does it smell like?"

Mom adjusted her grip so we could read the label. It said, in prominent cursive letters, Flesh and Mango.

"Oh." Daisy paused, frowning. "What does that mean, anyway?"

"I don't know." Mom sounded lost, like a little kid separated from her parents in a store. "I don't know."

"Mom?" I said. "Are you okay?"

She took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just need to think about this, all right?"

Again she left. When it became obvious she wasn't coming back, my sisters wandered off, leaving me to stare blankly at the computer screen.

By dinnertime, though, Mom seemed to have recovered. When Daisy mentioned the candle and asked her what she planned to do with it, she said, "I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll just get rid of it."

I was surprised to see the disappointment on Maple's face. Before I could ask what was wrong, though, Mom spoke again. "We can talk about this later. In the meantime" — she turned to address all of us — "how is school going?"

And with that, the conversation was over.

The next day, Mom went out to get her second dose and buy groceries. I intended to finish my essay while she was gone, not expecting to be interrupted. If Daisy needed anything, I figured Maple would take care of it. She was older than me, after all. Probably more responsible too.

But while I was working on my closing paragraph, Daisy called, "Willow?"

Her anxious voice was coming from Mom's room. I headed over, ready to help if I had to — and stopped short in the doorway.

Daisy and Maple stood by the candle on the bedside table. It was lit, and Maple, of all people, was the one holding the match.

In the air, I could detect a whiff of something fruity.

I stormed in. "Maple! What are you doing? You know Mom's going to kill us for this."

Daisy flinched, but Maple looked more confused than anything. "It just felt like something I had to do. Don't you like it?"

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