If You Find The Crimson Carnival...(Pt 1)

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By: u/Jgrupe

I had read the list of instructions thousands of times. The Crimson Carnival can only be found by following a series of specific directives, as outlined by those who had successfully ventured there in the past.

Just as described by the moderators of the private online forum, I found it at 3:53AM on a Friday the 13th far out in the countryside after a series of meandering twists and turns that I had followed meticulously as outlined by those who had journeyed to the carnival before me.

The detailed instructions were specific and required pain and personal sacrifice, but I was willing to do what I had to. My palm still stung from where the blade had pierced it, and I had intentionally left the wound undressed. Again, another necessary part of the journey. Blood poured from it all over the steering wheel. This seemed distant and unimportant now.

I had found the place. After years of hearing about it, reading about it, researching, and building up the courage, I had actually found it.

I turned off the engine and got out of the car, the cool night air crisp and fresh as I breathed in. Walking towards the entrance of the fairgrounds, I saw no one else around. The outside of the place was empty and devoid of visitors. Forsaken.

The moon was a sliver in the dark night sky above. Sounds of activity could be heard from within the fair, carnival barkers and rides, the loud DING DING DING of someone winning a prize. Everything that would make you think it was a regular carnival. An ordinary fair.

A clown was at the entrance, his face was painted bright red around the eyes and mouth, his hair and round nose also crimson. He wore yellow pants with suspenders and welcomed me, waving an oversized white-gloved hand as I approached.

"HOO HOO HOO hoo! I've got a surprise, it's true! Who found the Crimson Carnival? What a delight, it's you!"

The clown with the yellow pants was there. Just like all the reports had said.

"You've found the place, my friend! Get inside and have some fun! Your time now very soon will end. The crimson death can't be undone."

His face was a toothy grin, all smiles and giggles as he recited the welcoming rhyme. All but the last line, which he said in a low growl. Following that he looked serious and angry.

I was taken aback. He was supposed to say, "The Crimson fair leaves with the sun," as the final line in the rhyme. He was supposed to be the cheerful welcome clown. No scary shit yet. Not yet.

But instead he had said, "The crimson death can't be undone," in that terrifying low rumbling voice and I couldn't help but wonder if I had made some mistake in the ritual. His upper lip quivered as he continued to growl at me.

He was supposed to keep smiling, waving, and looking friendly. The dark, really creepy shit was further in. Out by the entrance the carnival was reported to look bright and welcoming. It didn't usually reveal its true form until you were well inside the fences.

I just stood there, sweating, panicking, retracing my efforts.

I had made no errors, though, I realized as I went through each part of the instructions in my head and pictured myself in my memory doing exactly as instructed.

Suddenly I realized I had been standing there for a while, thinking, and the clown was still staring at me. The reply came to me immediately, after years of study I had not forgotten.

The cut on my palm still bleeding, I asked the question deliberately and verbatim. Word for word as described online.

"All I have is a nickle. Will that cover the fare?"

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