You're My Best Friend

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By: u/Kaninates

I opened my eyes slowly, tired and slow. I didn't seem to care all that much about what is happening at all.

"Abby! Abby! Wake up!" My younger sister shook me awake. "It's your birthday!" She grinned from ear to ear. I felt my heart speed up a bit, but paid no attention to it.

"It's my birthday!" I quickly sat up excited. "Mama told me to wake you up and told me to tell you to get ready. I'll leave so you have some privi- privacy." She spoke while smiling like a dork, despite her grammar error. She then ran out of the room and down the stairs.

I slid off of my bed and bounded over to my dresser, pulling out a pretty dress to wear. After I get ready, I ran down the stairs and nearly fell. "Hey! Be careful." I hear my father tell me. "I am!" I can't help but feel excited. "It's so weird thinking you're turning nine this year." My older brother spoke. I rolled my eyes, smiling.

The day seemed to fly by so quickly, until I finally got to open my gifts. Everything I opened were been dolls and such. My mother handed me the last gift, wrapped beautifully with care. Once I get my hands on it, I tear it to shreds. My dad helps me open the box, and a doll is revealed. On a box in bright pink spelled out the name Gabbie. I feel excited and my parents help me unbox it.

"Emily! Go grab the batteries, we need some." My mother called. My eldest sister got up and walked to the kitchen, then returned with a pack of batteries. My mother opened a battery slot and pushed in a few batteries and pressed a button on the side of it's head. The doll seemingly came to life! It could speak and sing - it would be any girl's dream come true!

I played with it for the rest of the day, and turned it off when it was time to sleep. "Goodnight Gabbie." I whisper, tucking myself in. As I fall asleep, I hear a soft giggle and a whisper; "We're going to be best friends."

When I woke up and rolled over, Gabbie was gone. I panicked, looking around. I ran out of my room and found her laying down in the hallway. I picked her up and put her back in my room to play with. "Hey, can I watch?" My eldest sister asked. "Nah, you can only listen." I replied sarcastically. We both laughed a bit and played with Gabbie.

As time went on, I lost interest in Gabbie. I stopped playing with Gabbie for a long time. I simply didn't care as much as I should have. I didn't play with Gabbie in almost a year.

I look back in my closet, looking for something to do. I see Gabbie, facing away from me. I pull Gabbie to me and wipe off any hair on her. "Hey, Em! I found Gabbie!" I call for my eldest sister Emily. She came walking over quickly. "Turn it on! See if it still works." She sat down next to me.

I press a button on the side of it's head, it still works! But something felt.. off about it. "This is actually kind of creepy.." I mumble. "I don't know why I liked this, honestly." I turn it off, putting it back in the closet. "Yeah.. wanna go play Mario Kart?" My sister offered. "Sure, I'm bored anyway." We stand up and walk off to our living room.

At night, I tucked myself in but I heard noises from my closet. I tried to ignore it, but then I heard loud crashes. When I opened it, Gabbie was on. And smiling a creepy grin. "You're my best friend!" Gabbie giggled. "What.. Emily! Did you turn Gabbie on to mess with me?" I narrow my eyes, looking at my sister. She's asleep. I feel Gabbie hug my leg. "Let's play!"

"No!" I yell, kicking her off. Gabbie didn't like that. She giggled, grabbing onto my leg again. But this time her grip was incredibly strong, as if she were a grown man. I gasped in pain and tried to pull her off. She hung on, the biggest grin across her face grew bigger and bigger. I managed to kick her off and over to the doorway to my room but the door was closed. Gabbie didn't respond. After a while, she looked up.

"You're my best friend!" She started walking to me, her legs creaking and rubbing together. I feel my heart beating quickly, as if it's trying to escape from my chest. "Let's play a game!" She took another step forward. I step back and fall onto my mattress on the floor. I crawl backwards until my back is pressing into a wall. "Best friends forever!" I pull my blankets over me. I'm breathing heavily, wishing it would go away. I try to tell myself it's a bad dream, but I can hear the soft electric whirring coming from Gabbie. I choke back my tears, holding my breath.

Suddenly the door creaks open. "Abby? Are you awake?" I hear my brother talking. I remove my blanket to see my brother. The door slams into Gabbie and knocks her over. "You're my best friend!" Gabbie giggled "God, that's so creepy. Why do we still have that thing?" My brother asks, picking it up and turning it off.

That morning, we threw Gabbie away. After smashing her with a hammer, that is. She still spoke after being broken, her voice distorted. "YoU'rE mY bEsT fRiEnNn.."

It's been a year since then, my younger sister had her birthday yesterday. She got a unicorn toy named Lilly. Everyone thought it was cute, but I can't help but wonder why it keeps looking at me.

I hear my sister playing with it right now, actually. I hear Gabbie's voice through the toy.

"You're my best friend!"

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