I Used To Be An Uber Driver...

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By: u/notorious_biggie

When I turned 16, I claimed my first car, a 2004 Hyundai Accent from my parents. They had bought it from some shady dealer downtown for $800.

The vehicle was beat, having close to 230,000 miles. The paint was a faded yellow, with a replacement maroon rear door. Third gear was choppy, but a new transmission would cost more than the entire car. My family wasn't the richest on the block.

Despite that, I was content with the vehicle. I would be able to go anywhere at heart's desire.

At age 19, the Accent still ran (barely) and decided I could make a quick buck by working for Uber.

Over the past few months, I've gotten used to driving people around downtown. I was the type of driver to not talk the entire way, and respect whatever the person in the back was doing. All that mattered to me was that I was making decent money. With 2 jobs, pretty soon I could buy myself another car and ditch the old clunker.


It was a Friday night. I had gotten used to driving around, waiting for calls. It was prime time for drunk people needing to get home. Eventually I had gotten a call to pick someone up at an unmarked location. What was strange, however, was that when I was about a quarter mile from the location, I had recognized it to be the old Market Train Station, which had been abandoned since before I was born.

I pulled up near the boarded-up entrance to the station, and saw a tall, Hispanic man waiting. He looked very professional, wearing an expensive-looking suit and held a slim, black briefcase. I wondered why he was at the old station. The location didn't suit him, since it was the run-down part of town.

He opened the door, and we greeted each other. He spoke in a strict, but rather kind and assuring voice. I took off, and asked him where he would like to go.

"Take me to Hell, please." he spoke, which completely caught me off guard.

I didn't really know how to respond, so I just peeped out a quick "...ha..."

His face remained straight.

"All seriousness, man, where do you want to go?" I asked.

"You'll know sooner or later..."

I assumed he was drunk, but his voice and tone were completely perfect.

"I'll just take you McDonald's, buddy."

He didn't reply.

"I'll... take that as a yes." I said awkwardly.


We were almost at the restaurant. All I had to do was take a left-

What the fuck?

I instinctively turned the opposite direction. It was like someone was controlling my mind. I tried making a u-turn but I just... couldn't. The man in the back just kept quiet.

"What the fuck is happening? Is this some kind of joke?"

No answer.

I knew deep inside that this was something supernatural. I tried to resist the feeling, but I couldn't get out of it. It was like I was in sleep paralysis.

I made hundreds of turns, eventually not knowing where I was going. I didn't know where I was. By that time, the streets were completely empty.

I took a right turn on an unmarked street. It was surrounded by trees. I couldn't see more than 100 yards in front of me. The road was completely straight, with a constant downward slope.

I floored the vehicle, shifting through gears faster than I could imagine. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't.

I looked at the speedometer. The Accent couldn't make it past 80 on the highway before, but the needle was topped out at 140. Soon, the needle made a full 360 degree rotation. I was going at least 200, and the engine was roaring louder than I could have ever imagined.

I was so fixated at the speed of the vehicle that I didn't notice that the sky had turned red, and was going downhill even further.

It started getting immensely hot. My body had heated up to the point where I thought my face was on fire.

I was going to Hell.

I looked back at the man in the back seat. His face remained still, looking at me with lifeless eyes.

Suddenly, I slammed on the brakes. I was used to the shitty brakes of the Accent, thinking that we would slowly come to a stop, but I was jolted forward.

The road was flat now, and we had come to a complete stop.

"Thank you." said the man as he left the vehicle.

I wasn't able to get a complete look at my surroundings, but I remember seeing the bodies. Piles upon piles of people, still alive, screaming in agony.

I yelled out to the man, and he turned around.

"Are you Satan?"

He looked at me, and for the first time, smiled.

Then I lost consciousness.


I woke up.

Terrified that I died and went to Hell, I checked my surroundings. I was at the old train station. I soon realized that I could move freely.

I quickly opened the door and got out.

The sky was normal. It was a cold, summer night. No more screams.

Had it been a dream?

I looked back at my Accent, horrified to notice what was in the back seat.

It was the man's briefcase, attached to it was a post-it note reading,

"For a new car"

I opened it, and inside the briefcase was five hundred thousand dollars.

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