He Tried To Stop Me

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By: u/TheReaper308

Have you ever had something happen that completely breaks your mind beyond repair? I highly doubt it. Your mind is in good enough condition to be reading this for leisure, although I question your sanity for reading accounts of horrific experiences at 3 AM. Anyway, this is the story about how I lost my mind.

It all happened in the winter of 2006. My girlfriend and I were....adventurous to say the least. We loved going camping in harsh conditions. She loved camping in rainstorms but I loved the snow. I finally convinced her to go camping with me in the snow. I'd have waited for spring rains if I knew it would be the last camping trip I'd ever go on with her.

We arrived at our campsite the day after Christmas. We parked in the small parking lot and gathered our gear together before hiking down the trail and into the forest. We walked with hand in hand, partly because we wanted to be close together and partly because the heavy gear required us to help each other keep balance.

We hadn't packed as much as you'd expect for our week of camping. We packed only one day's worth of that freeze-dried camping food as a backup to what we could gather of the land. We packed our tent, my 300 Win Mag hunting rifle, my 45ACP sidearm, a couple of hunting knives, three methods of fire starting, spices, sleeping bags and pillows, extra ammo for the guns, a compass, a map, a first aid kit, and a few books to on surviving in the area. We also packed some...preventative items in a waterproof bag in her jacket. Safety first, am I right?

We set up camp about 10 miles from the car. We didn't want to be disturbed by other campers and it was illegal to hunt or fire a rifle within 2 miles of a campsite. We were camping 8 miles from the campsite so we figured things would be quiet and we'd find a deer or two to eat. I found something else instead.

We broke a hole in the nearby frozen stream and had 3 plump rainbow trout for dinner. We supplemented our fish with some wild bulbs and roots we found growing underneath some snow. We had the fire roaring for a long time as we ate, read our books, and eventually deployed some of the aforementioned protective devices. That night, I could have sworn I heard someone walking around our camp at around 2 AM. I looked out of the tent and saw nothing. I heard it again at 4 but it sounded different somehow. It sounded bigger, maybe even heavier. I looked out of the tent and saw nothing again.

We woke up at around 8 AM and gathered wood for the day. We spent the day building a snow fort and then building a snow cave over our tent. We ate more fish again that night and then went to bed. The steps came back and this time I realized my girlfriend, Sarah, was missing. I looked out of the tent and watched her as she walked out of the forest, zipping her fly. I asked her what she was doing and she replied that she had woken up having to pee. I told her not to leave the tent without me in the dark. There were bears and wolves in the forest. She agreed and we went back to sleep.

We woke up at 8 AM again and played in the snow until dinner time. This time though, we were joined by a man who came walking through the woods. He explained that he had gotten lost and asked if he could sit at the fire for a few minutes to warm up. He was covered in snow and had camping gear strung all over his pack. Sarah looked suspicious but I figured there were two of us and we were armed. He sat at the fire for a few minutes for asking for directions to the parking area. We gave him directions and he left.

The next day, we couldn't find any fish in the stream. I told her I'd leave the pistol with her so she could gather wood and herbs safely and I'd venture into the woods to find a deer. I left the campsite and looked back. Sarah looked back up and smiled. That would be the last time I'd ever see Sarah smile at me.

I walked through the woods for hours before finding a good tree to hide in. I didn't see anything for a couple more hours and then the forest went silent. The only sound I could hear was my own breathing....and the sound of twigs snapping. I could have sworn I saw a gigantic man clothed in fur walking through the woods in front of me. This...man...was at least 15 feet tall, wore a scraggly beard, and carried a large spear in his hand that looked like it had at one time been a small tree. He looked at me and seemed to shake his head sadly before he walked on. I shook my head and decided that it was time to quickly make my way back.

I started on my way back to camp when it started to snow hard. I barely walked for ten minutes before the snowfall became a blizzard too thick to walk in. I felt doomed to die in the snow either by freezing or by the hands of that giant. I stumbled for a few more feet before I fell in the snow and hit my head on a tree. I woke up in a wooden shed, wrapped in a bearskin and laying by a fire. I peered around the shelter before a large piece of meat landed in my lap. I looked up and saw the giant sitting a few feet away. He gestured towards the meat with a large hand and grunted. I thanked him and ate quickly, intending to get back to camp as soon as possible.

As I stood, I noticed a giantess sitting on a huge bed, staring at me as she held a baby that was nearly as big as me. She smiled kindly as I rose. I noticed the spear leaned against the wall. It was decoratively carved and had a couple of bead necklaces wrapped around the bottom of the blade. The giantess put the baby down in a large cradle and walked slowly over to me. She gently reached out and wrapped a cloth around the cut on my head. I have to admit, even though she could probably snap me like a twig, she was very pretty. The kind smile soothed me otherwise I probably would have ran away. She patted my back gently before stepping away. I reached into my pocket and handed her the pocket watch I had bought for myself earlier that year. She smiled again and accepted it.

I left the cabin and began walking back. I made it to about 2 miles from camp before a fast-moving creature knocked me off my feet. The giant running circles around me, moving at speeds that seemed impossible for something his size. He looked towards camp and shook his head, gesturing that I shouldn't go back. I gulped, imagining what happened to Sarah while I was gone. I tried running past him but he knocked me down with his spear again. We spent the next hour repeating this before I finally managed to get past him. I made it a mile before he knocked me down again. He once again shook his head no. I yelled at him to let me past but he kept blocking me. I hit him in the knee with a rock before running past him. I made it 800 yards from the camp before he caught up and knocked me down. He picked me up and refused to put me down despite my begging.

I kicked and struggled but he wouldn't let go. I finally explained to him that I loved her and I needed to find out what happened to her. He put me down and followed me back to camp. There..in the center of camp beside the fire, was a man. A man having sex with Sarah. I recognized the man as the man who had been lost. I lost it at the thought of him raping my beautiful girlfriend. I began running at him with the giant in tow....until she moaned. She clawed at his back and pulled him closer, yelling out her love for him into the forest. It was then I recognized him again...he was her ex-bf who left her before we started dating.

Time seemed to slow and speed down. I heard her scream as she saw me and the giant running towards them. I saw her ex try to run as the giant grabbed them both. The giant held them up, naked and screaming, and looked towards me. I told Sarah I thought she had been hurt and that seeing her betrayal killed me. Now it was her turn.

I heard the giant break the man's spine over his knee. I watched as he pulled her head off. I left the camp that day and brought back some modern amenities for the giants. I brought back a TV for the baby to watch learning cartoons, a generator for power, a wood stove and cooking gear for the giantess, a rifle for the giant, and Sarah's necklace for his spear.. I make weekly trips to the nearby town for diesel for the generator.

I live with the giants now. I taught them English. I named the giant "John", his wife "Lisa", and they named the baby "Liam" after me. John carved me a spear and Lisa made me my own buckskin clothing.

2 years after they found me, John and Lisa found another giantess that was lost in the forest. She seemed to take a liking to me from the beginning. A relationship with a giantess isn't easy, believe me. We taught her English and shared the story of how John found me. John performed the ceremony that joined us in marriage and she had our rather large baby 10 months later. We've been living happily among the trees since. I came to the library today to post this story and to celebrate the name my bride chose. Sarah.

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