Just Another Day in Suburbia (Part 1)

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By u/firesidechats451

"Hi, Sheila!"

I pasted on my brightest smile. "Hi, Carol! It's so nice to see you, thank you so much for inviting me!"

"Of course!" Carol's makeup looked fantastic (it always did), and her white teeth were perfectly straight. "Is that the ambrosia salad? Go ahead and set it on the table, there. Bob's almost done grilling up the burgers!"

I headed to the indicated table along the backyard fence. Bob gave me a nod as I passed, too intent on grilling to chat. Practically everyone from the neighborhood was here, I noted as I set the bowl on the table. At least, anyone Carol deemed "worthy" of attending her weekend barbeque.

"Hey Sheila!" Frances beckoned me over to a gaggle of neighbors, all sipping lemonade while admiring Carol's and Bob's new deck. "Glad you could make it!"

"Of course!" I gave Frances a tight hug. Out of everyone, she was the only person who felt like a real friend. "Glad to see you, too!"

"Did you try the lemonade?" she said, holding up her glass.

"No, I just got—"

"Carol made it," Frances said, looking me dead in the eye. "From scratch."

"Oh!" I glanced over at Carol, who was watching me despite Dan from down the street talking her ear off. "I—I'll go try some right now!"

I headed back to the refreshment table and poured myself my glass from the ice-cold pitcher. My hands were shaking so badly I was terrified I'd spill, but I managed to make a proper glass. Drink in hand, I scurried back to the gaggle.

"Mm!" I said, taking a sip. "Wow, that really hits the spot! I'll have to ask Carol for her recipe!"

"I thought the same thing," Frances said, smiling. "What do you think, Barbara?" she said, gently elbowing the small woman beside her. "Isn't it delicious?"

"What? Oh. Y-yes. It's f-fantastic!"

I felt bad for Barbara. She was always on Carol's bad side—her hair was always a little ratty, her clothes were unfashionable, and she was terribly forgetful. Today she looked even more tired than usual and her mascara had smudged beneath her eyes.

Just as I was about to ask if she was alright, a cheerful shout interrupted the small talk.

"Burgers are ready!" Bob announced proudly, waving his spatula. "Get 'em while they're hot!"

Dutifully, we all lined up by the grill. Carol took her place beside Bob, handing out paper plates with one burger each. "Condiments are on the refreshment table!" she called. "And help yourself to the side dishes—y'all worked hard on them, you should enjoy them!"

Laughter and calls of assent followed as the line drifted over to the refreshment table. I got a bit of mac 'n' cheese, fried okra, and potato salad. I didn't dare take a serving of my own dish—that was a dangerous faux pas at a Carol shindig.

Being the gracious hostess she was, Carol waited until everyone else was served before getting her own plate. Then she went from group to group, chatting with every guest.

"How we doing over here?" she said, sidling up to our group.

"Wonderful," Frances said, giving Carol what seemed to be a genuine smile. I've always wondered what Frances was in her past life—if I had to guess, I'd say spy master or beauty consultant. Something that requires lying often and well. "This burger is superb! Bob sure knows how to grill!"

"He sure does!" Carol's eyes drifted over to Barbara's plate. "What's wrong, Barb? You haven't touched your burger!"

Barbara started like a frightened mouse. "Oh, I—I just haven't been feeling well," she said, offering a weak smile. "Been a bit out of sorts."

Carol was undeterred. "Maybe eating a little something would perk you up, huh?"

Barbara looked like she was about to cry. "I—I guess."

When Barbara didn't move, Carol's brow furrowed. "Well, go on!" she prompted.

With everyone watching, Barbara picked up the burger and took a small bite. She chewed with effort, then swallowed, her forced smile looking more like a grimace. "Mm!" she said. "That was—that was delicious!"

Carol's expression cleared. "There you go! Isn't that better?"

"Mhm," said Barbara, looking sick. I prayed she didn't vomit until Carol was out of earshot.

"Great! Well, I better check on the other guests!" With that, Carol was off to the next gaggle, who welcomed her with gleeful exclamations.

"You did good," said Frances, patting Barbara on the shoulder. Barbara sighed in relief, a tear escaping before she could scrub her eye with the back of her hand. "I'm so tired! I was up late putting out fires for my boss, and I completely forgot about the potato salad until 2 a.m.!"

"That's rough," I said, but honestly, I was relieved. As much as I hated these gatherings, at least I wasn't Barbara. I know that makes me a terrible person. That's why I'm here. That's why we're all here.

Conversation turned toward more normal topics: our jobs, the lawns, Linda's new haircut (Does she even look in a mirror?). We were laughing about a client at France's nail salon when a scream drew our attention.

Carol stood with her plate in one hand, the other raised for all to see. In it was a black hair.

"There was a hair in my potato salad!" she screeched.

As one, we all turned to look at Barbara. Tears began to stream down her face, her hands shaking so badly she dropped her paper plate.

"I'm sorry!" she sobbed. "I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you, I promise—"

"This is disgusting!" Carol sneered and the hair went up in flames, ash drifting away on the breeze. "You could've made people sick!"

"Help me!" Barbara looked from me to Frances, her eyes like a trapped animal's. Frances and I backed away, pleading silently for her to understand. "Help me, please!"

"How fucking hard is it to make something as simple as potato salad?" Carol pointed her finger. As we watched, Barbara's face began to melt, her scream quickly turning to gurgles.

"Helb me!" she murmured, reaching out to us, her fleshing dripping from her fingers, revealing the bones beneath. "Hlb mm!"

Slowly, she melted into a puddle on the immaculate lawn.

"Oh, what a mess!"

I started as Carol appeared behind us, looking down at Barbara's remains with revulsion. "Let me clean that up!"

She pointed her finger again and Barbara sunk into the ground, leaving smooth, grassy lawn behind.

"There we go," she said, brightening. Turning to Frances and I, she asked, "Are we enjoying ourselves?"

I plastered the smile back on my face. "Of course!" I said in an overly cheery voice, the tears at the corner of my eyes threatening to spill.

A hand on my back steadied me. "We're having a great time," Frances said, her voice smooth as butter. "Thank you again for inviting us."

"Of course! I love having y'all as neighbors," she said with all the cheeriness of a sunflower. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Will do."

The two of us watched her go, France's hand pressing more firmly into my back.

"Just keep your head down," she whispered. "You'll make it through. I promise."

I nodded, then stuffed my mouth with mac 'n' cheese, my appetite gone, but knowing that if I didn't clean my plate, there'd be hell to pay.

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