Please Forgive Me. I Didn't Mean To Do It

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By: u/PostMortem33

I wanted to have just a little, you know? Just a glass. A glass of wine wouldn't hurt anyone...

A glass that turned into two, and then I lost count and I let the dark fog of alcohol swallow me whole. While embracing me in its deadly arms, I felt a knot forming in my chest. I think it was my body telling me it was afraid of my behavior and I should've stopped.

I didn't. I just let myself slip into the void and just went all-in with the booze abuse and partied like a madman whose sole purpose in life was to get full-on drunk as a skunk and forget about his problems for a couple of hours.

Yet I never could remember leaving that house where the party took place. Not even now I can't remember getting in my car and driving off, expecting that nothing would happen.

Why is it that some of us are so stupidly brave when drunk? Why do we think we are some kind of superheroes when getting behind the wheel in such an inebriated state that we couldn't distinguish anything anymore?

I woke up in a ditch, my head throbbing with sharp intense pain. Blood was coming down my face from what was a crack in the skull, I later learned.

The engine was fuming and the speedometer needle was stuck at 100 mph. Not fully understanding what happened, I wanted to get out of the car but the pain kept me in place for a few minutes.

Finally, I got out of the car and after coming to grip with reality, I found myself near field near the road from which my car swerved and upon closed inspection I realized that the lights and the hood of my car were full of blood.

Turning, I saw a man on the ground and his head twisted around. His eyes were still open, and vacant, no life or color left inside and he was staring at me in horror.

Realizing what I have done, I felt my whole world come crashing down on me. Upon seeing the dead body, I immediately sobered up and as the rain started pouring down I saw the mud and the blood joining colors and soon becoming indistinguishable one from the other

The shock of killing a person and not knowing how I did it terrified me, it scared me like hell. Wondering what the man was doing all by himself, I went back to check for a crosswalk on the road and there I saw another body. A woman in a white dress that had tire marks on it was coughing and choking while the rain still poured. I ran to help her, but when I got there I did the only thing I could possibly think of. I tried talk and comfort her after I almost ending her life.

Overwhelmed by all of this, by all the mayhem, destruction, and death I have caused I just grabbed her and held it tight.

"Please, forgive me. I didn't mean to do it," I told her fighting back my own tears.

She turned her head and saw the dead man still looking at us, looking at her with those dead empty eyes. The woman wanted to scream but all she managed to do was cough blood and some it ended up on my face, the rain washing it away in the night. A night that now became silent.

She gripped my hand tighter and I saw the hurt in her eyes. The pain overwhelmed her and I couldn't watch her in the eyes

"We...were... supp... married... next week," she tried to form a whole sentence. The choking became even more violent but I understood what she wanted to say.

They were supposed to marry next week. Oh my god, what have I done...

"" She said again.

Even on the verge of death she still hoped that the two of them will be able to meet each other in another life. I felt horrible. I felt scared. It should have been me who crashed in a telephone pole or jumped in a lake. It should have been me who died.

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