A Couple of Muffins

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Slight CW // anxiety attack (it's basically the start of one.)

It's a week later. Skeppy hasn't said a WORD. Nothing, he's said a total of nothing to Badboyhalo. However, he hasn't said anything online either, so there hasn't been any Skeppy content for a week.

So, Badboyhalo decides not to take it personally, because, to be fair, he hadn't exactly reached out to Skeppy for a week either. He had only realized how much more difficult talking to Skeppy was when he ranted about it to Quackity.

In a way, it almost seemed like Quackity knew before he did. Which Badboyhalo found odd, for the younger didn't seem like the type to be in-tune with anything, much less with emotions.

I must have written off his talent before experiencing it, Bad mused, maybe I should talk to Quackity more often.

Either way, Bad decided he should probably text Skeppy.

Hey Skeppy >:0

just checking in, whats up owo

also do you want to do a stream laterrrrr

Bad stared at his phone for about a minute, before it turned to sleep mode, which is when he set it down. Of course. Skeppy isn't going to respond right away.


And he doesn't have to.

Meanwhile, he could always bake some muffins.


Bad hurriedly picked up his phone, excited to see.. Oh. Karl.

"Hey Bad- wanna be in my stream ltr? with dream quack-meister and george"

"I don't know yet, maybe though, I'll update you owo"

Of course, Bad was still hoping to stream with Skeppy, almost all of his donos this week had been talking about him, or rather, the lack thereof. It had always been that way, of course, it was usually thrown in with the 'hi' donos or the ones where they ask for advice.

It used to bother him, them all being about Skeppy, but, that was what their content was mostly about. Him and Skeppy. The infamous duo. The fans ship it, they call it Skephalo, which Skeppy used to be so avidly against, but he decided that he didn't really care after all.

He wanted to mention to his fans the fact that it was starting to make him uncomfortable, but he couldn't. He was scared that they would despise him, and that it'd ruin his career.

Of course, in his mind, somewhere, he knows they'd probably accept it, they've always accepted anything before, but the tiny little chance, that they wouldn't..

There wasn't a chance he could mention it to them. No way, no how. Not with his career on the line. He sighed. Maybe if he had been smart , like Quackity, he would have done college, just in case he needed something to fall back on.

At this point, he needed to bake some muffins, or he'd sit here all day. And so, albeit sighing, he got up out of his comfortable chair, and maneuvered until he got to the kitchen.

And then he started getting the ingredients out, some sugar, oil, eggs, vanilla extract, flour, salt, baking soda, and so on. He placed them on his counter, in an organized manner, and went around his counter to get to the mixing bowls in his cabinet.

Once he finally had set everything out onto his counters, including his fully set up stand mixer, he got to work. Preheating the oven was an obvious first step, so he turned the knob until it hit a temperature of 350 degrees fahrenheit.

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