A Simple Plan

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CW // knife metaphor

Skeppy grimaced.

It's been too long since he's talked to Bad, and, well, Bad didn't even seem to care.

Way to carve the knife into himself.

He needed to stop.

All he had to do was talk to Bad.

"Yeah. That's it. All I have to do is talk to him.

It's not weird because he's dating Quackity, everything is just the same."

But is it really?

"YES. It's all the same.

God, I really need to just shut up sometimes."

He sighed exasperatedly, it's a good thing Lya isn't here. He wouldn't exactly know how to explain to his poor assistant that he was talking to himself again.

She had already been worried the first time she heard him.

Not that she has any reason to, it's just something Skeppy does to think through something and stop suffocating himself with the same things over and over.


Maybe that sounds worrying.

But it's fine, it really is.

He grabbed his phone from his counter and checked it, being pleasantly surprised when Bad was streaming.

Oh! That's great! Skeppy will just watch his best friend and maybe join him later.

"-ah I think we should announce it now Bad!"

Oh. Quackity was there already.

Skeppy rubbed his eyes, not being able to help but feel the slightest bit replaced.

Maybe it was his fault in the first place.

He had just realized his feelings, as Bad recognized his feelings.

But for Quackity.

He liked Quackity. Not Skeppy.

"Mm! Yes, let's announce it.

We're going to meet up guys!! By next week!"

Next... week?

Why hadn't Bad told him something important like that?


Hwy did u not tell em ur meeting up with quackity.


"Oh! Sorry, Skeppy. It was a last-minute thing," then Bad directed to Quackity, "He had asked why we didn't tell him about the meetup first."

Quackity laughed, "Wooow Bad. No need to tell everyone in chat that you neglect your best friend."

"QUACKITY. I'm not neglecting my best friend. I'll ask him to join the stream to prove it, see Q."

Skeppy didn't need any further instruction and clicked in VC 2. The call they were in.


Quackity chuckled, "Didn't think I'd be the one you're excited to see there, Skeppy."

Why not throw in a bit to get warmed up?

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