It's real now.

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B rrrrr ! B rrrrrr!

Bad's hand fluttered around his desk until he found his phone, instantly swiping to turn the alarm off.

"Mrrrrng," Bad rubbed his eyes and sat up, grabbing his glasses as well and putting them on.

What time is it?

Bad looked at his phone again, 11 am. He also had 3 missed messages from Quackity waiting for him.

'goood morning baaddddddd'

'Im getting on the plane now >:D'

'see you in 5 hours'

The last one was sent at 6:58 am, so he has... approximately 1 hour to get to the airport. He definitely should've set his alarm clock earlier.

He quickly threw on a different set of clothes, so he looked mildly presentable at the very least, and grabbed his keys.

He had spent a lot of last night worrying and fretting about the state of his house because even if his house was already mildly clean and Quackity hadn't done much cleaning when he visited, he still felt the need to have it spick and span.

Bad practically jumped into his car, turning it on and backing out of the driveway.

The thought of meeting up with Quackity, that itself, was blissful, but the fact that they were actually in a relationship now, and not a fake one? Nerve-racking. It was making Bad jittery, at best.

Not that he was scared of dating Quackity, he's just slightly worried he'll mess it up, somehow.

Which is how he ended up at the airport 30 minutes early. Since he didn't allow himself the time to eat some sort of breakfast earlier, Bad traversed around the airport, looking for something to eat.

Most of it was overpriced and looked stale [as expected of an airport], so he ended up just picking up an iced caramel coffee. After sipping away what was about half of the drink, Badboyhalo decided to head back to where he would most likely see Quackity again.

The baggage claim.

The expanse of suitcases showed that a plane had just arrived, so Bad sat down and patiently waited for Quackity to message him. While he was waiting, he picked up Candy Crush and mindlessly swiped for combinations of the variety of candies.


Bad practically jumped out of his seat, almost spilling his iced coffee, as Quackity just plain laughed at him.

"OH MY GOODNESS! QUACKITY WHAT THE FUDGE," Bad exclaimed loudly [in fact so loud that he and quackity had garnered a few looks from passers-by], at Quackity.

Quackity laughed for what seemed to be a full minute before adding on anything else.

"I'M SORRY BAD. I just couldn't resist the urge, it was too funny."

Huffing, Bad ignored him, and instead dragged Quackity to the car- Quackity's bright yellow suitcase trailing behind on wheels. Once they got there, Bad got out his keys and unlocked the car, "Ok, Quackity, just put your stuff in the back seat."

Quackity nodded, putting his things in the back of the car, before getting into the passenger's seat.

"You didn't give me enough time to tell you but I ran into someone who said they met you last time when you came to visit me. Their name was... Cassie..? I think."

Bad tilted his head slightly, turning to Quackity, "Cassie who? I don't think I know any Cassie's."

"Ummm, she said she met you on the train, and she woke you up or something?"

A New Normal-- QuackHaloWhere stories live. Discover now