Part 8

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Similar to the first one all the meeting passed by them just talking. They had so much to talk about like they were bestfriends. They didn't even need their parents to fix their meetings, they met alternating and sometimes everyday. Ashika had told Jai everything about herself (except her secret agent), her likes, dislikes, love for street food and food in general. Jai found that adorable unlike other boys for whom that was an excuse to reject her. Jai had also told about himself, his family. Jai was an ambivert, he would only open up to people he felt comfortaable with. After a month of them meeting, they had tried all the chaat thelas around where they lived.

Ashika: bye maa I am going to meet Jai 

A mom: Ashika we are not presurizing u and you are going to meet Jai by your choice. Do you like him.

Ashika: maaaaa!!!! We are FRIENDS

A dad: beta seriously tell your decision

Ashka: Bye maa bye papa. She leaves avoiding the conversation 


Mahira: Ahshuuu!! She calls her

Ashika, who was just sitting in the rikshaw: what happened

Mahira runs towards her: where:

Ashika: going to meet someone

Mahira huffs: Ashika you want to say no right 

Ashika: yh duh

Mahira: oh really, how often do you see him

Ashika looking away: few times a week!!

Mahira: reallyyy!!!

Ashika: seven times a week

Mahira: Ashikaaa 

Ashika: i just- we are such good friends. I don't want to lose him

Mahira: you are giving him false hope. This will hurt you both more

Ashika: i know. I will for sure tell him today. I gotta go now, he must be waiting. She sits in the rikshaw and leaves.

Malhotra Mansion

Shivam: bhai are you going to meet her again

 Jai putting his cologne: yeah

Shivam: bhai, everyone in the family are convinced that you like her you are giving everyone false hope

Jai: why do they think that??

Shivam: idk *sarcasm* bhai whats her favourite color

Jai: blue, turquoise 

Shivam: whats her favourite food

Jai: food in general he chuckles

Shivam annoyed: what is her favourite serial

Jai: CID

Shivam: when was the last time you met her

Jai: yesterday

Shivam: idk bhai why they think you like her

Jai scratching his neck: i will tell her today

Shivam: ik bhai you are very good friends and she is nice but you know it is aar ya paar

Jai agrees and leaves.

Meeting location.

They were meeting at location chosen by Jai. Peakpoint of Delhi where you could see all the lights.

Jai was sitting there peaceflly when he felt two soft hands around his eyes

Jai: Shivam?? He says to annoy Ashika

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