two secret agents forced in an arranged marriage, unaware of each other's identity. mutual understanding and they start to become best friends. how they both end up falling in love. Forced arrange marriage: natural connection of souls.
Shivam came to wake Jai up as he was texting Ashika all night like all the other nights.
Shivam: Bhai GET UP
Jai: 5 mins yaar
Shivam: OK but just to warn you Bada Mami papa are very angry and serious
Jai jerks up from his sleep and shouts: Kya KYu Oh GOD. mama papa never get angry unless its very serious. Did I do something? Did you do something? Oh shit man
Shivam: Bhai relax they are not going to murder you. Hurry up
Jai gets ready and runs downstairs.
J dad: Here comes the royalty
J mom: Jai what is this
Jai confused : What
J mom: What? R U really asking what? You have been meeting Ashika for the past 4 weeks and still have not told us your decision.
Jai annoyed: Mom we are just friends.
J papa: so you should have no trouble getting married to her.
Jai :but........
J mom: Leave the excuse for the evening cause my friend invited us over to decide on the marriage date.
Jai goes upstair and finds peace thinking that Ashika will deny.
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Not much of a different hope did Ashika have. She thought that Jai will deny and they still will be friends. She had invited Mahira over to convince her parents. As she knew that no Indian parent will listen to their own child( lol).
Ashika decided to try again to make her parents drop the idea.
Ashika: Mom Dad why are you guys in such a hurry to get me married. I don't want to marry.
A mom: Ok tell me one bad thing about Jai. afterall you have been meeting him everyday for past months.
Ashika silently said: nothing. And left from there
Ashika's mom shouts behind her: They are coming this evening!!!
Ashika said to herself: He is perfect, there is nothing wrong with him. He is a perfect friend and listens to problems patiently He knows how to cheer me up. He doesn't even have to try to make me laugh. His presence makes happy. He is so kind to everyone and respects my parents like every girl wants. he is the best match for me. A strange feeling developed inside me after I met him. There is a unknown pleasure. . What is this feeling.
Mahira was listening to this and broke her chain of thoughts by answering her question: LOVE
Ashika turned to find her best friend ready to tease her: Come on yaar Mahira, I am tensd enough.
Mahira: Don't worry everything wil be alright.
Ashika : You know what you are right. I have this strange feeling that everything is going to be right.
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Both Jashi had a strange feeling of anxiety. Like something extraordinary was about to happen
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