Part 20

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Everyone was ready for the how-well-you-know-your-partner round. The couples sitting on round tables

Bhabhi were chatting with Shefali

Shefali: Don't you worry darling, we will win this for sure. By hook or by crook.

Bhabhi: don't even think of cheating this time, I saved you plenty of times last round.

Shefali: I have to win this. That Ashika, I need to make her lose.

Bhabi: just be discrete

Shivam: ok everyone settle down.

Shivam: In this round you will be ask questions about each other rather than your jodi.

Mahira: Same drill, marker, whiteboard and answers.

Shivam: lets get started

Bhabhi: first is for the boys. Does your partner like sweet or savoury/spicy food

Dev and Shefali -sweet

Shefali (fake b****): my taste buds are too sensitive and decent.

Dev rolling his eyes: one point

Jai and Ashika wrote FOOD in bold and beside/under wrote spicy

Mahira: you also get a point actually 2

Bhabhi: NO, what does that even mean

Jai: She likes FOOD. *period* But if you have to, spicy. Right Ashi

Ashika blushed at "Ashi": yeah!!

Shivam: next. Where would your partner want to spend vacation. Country

Devali wrote -France, Jaishi wrote India

Dev: what is in India

Jai: What is not. I am not saying it is perfect but there are so many hidden natural beautiful places, us as Indians overlook

Ashika: What is there in the west what we don't have here.

Shefali: Eiffel Tower

Ashika: Taj Mahal

Shefali: Baguette.

Ashika: Roti

Shefali: Ficelle

Ashika: Paranthe

Shefali: Brioche.

Ashika: Naan

Shefali: Fougasse.

Ashika: Theple

Shefali: Pain de campagne.

Ashika: Kulche

Shefali: Pain complet.

Ashika: Puri

Shefali: -

Bhabhi: guys stop

Mahira: Not what we came to do

Shivam: what would your partner want to live after retirement. Country

Dev- Italy. Shefali- London. Jishi -India

After the reveal of Dev and Shefali's answer, Bhabhi glared Shefali and Shefali passed Daggers to Dev who didn't give a shit

Shivam: Would your partner rather eat every second until death, or starve to death.

Dev wrote eat whereas Shefali chose otherwise. Jai and Ashika obviously wrote eat

Shivam: Would your partner go scuba diving or Parachuting.

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