Part 19

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It was the next day for the couple competition and everyone was ready on their spots. Everyone was waiting for Bhabi who was getting ready (makeup for the competition🤦‍♀️)

Jai and Ashika were standing side by side ready for the physical competion as they were sure at least that was the one they wouldn't lose. Not sure about the other ones

Ashika: your bhabi applies makeup for such events too?

Jai: this is still a gathering, try at 1 o clock to get up and drink water at NIGHT

Ashika: hahaha thats sad

Jai: I thought every girl did that

Ashika: I wouldn't wake up if prime minister shows up at my house, makeup stand no chance. Sleep #1, I know my prorities

Jai: so you don't wake up early to apply makeup

Ashika: never. I am natural beauty.

They started giggling

Jai: I see. food and sleep, your fanda is clear

Bhabi then comes to the stage


Bhabi glares him.

Mahira: Finally- the time has arrived to start the competition

Shivam: yh the competition

Bhabi: ok now we will start gradually going to the second round. There are six participants left, after this game, only three would be. so THREE people would be diqualified.

Shivam: as you guys can see the hurdles in front of you, you simply have to jump over them.

Mahira: But you can ony jump if the answer is yes

Bhabi: and you will be in sacks. NOT TIED.

Mahira: but in sacks, and NO CHEATING. she said looking at Bhabi.

Glaring her back, Bhabi started the race

Shivam: you can be disqualified if you can't jump over the hurdles. ok first question, pretty easy.

Shivam: have you ever talked about your partner behind your back, can be something good or bad

Everyone jumped over one hurdle

Shivam: have you proposed your partner in public.

Everyone jumped except Jaishi, they were red and awkwardly trying to avoid contact.

Mahira whispered to Shivam: they didn't even do it privately. why would you add this question.

Bhabi: I did 😚

Shahira force smiling: 😁

Shivam: anyways, have you lied to ur partner

For this one Jaisi were the only one who jumped. Bickering spread across the field. Now Jaishi were the one laughing. Shivama nd Mahira whistled at that making them weird

Shivam: Have you went on!!! vacation together he said changing his tone to questioning to confusion

Then Shivam and Mahira turned to Bhabi

Bhabi: My question, My choice. And alone.

Mahira: Bhabi if they are are together how can they be alone

Bhabi glared: went ONLY with your partner

Everyone except Jaishi jumped. Because the hurdles got a little bit taller everytime, a couple jodi fell and they were disqualified. Shefali and Dev were still in.

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