Part 18

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Early morning everyone was ready on the ground. Mahira and Shivam had booked. Many couple were participating even random other people staying in the hotel which Mahira and Shivam had to offered.

J mom: Shivam, Mahira How many people have you called

Shivam: as many as we could

A mom :are you guys mad or what. you called random people

Mahira: yeah she giggles

A and J mom shake their heads in disbelief. 

Just when Jai entered. Ashika was already there. 

Shivam announces: everyone gather up

Mahira and Shivam calls the crowd around the stage

Shivam: Hi everyone and welcome to this competition of umm couples?

Mahira takes the mic from Shivam's hand and shakes her head in disbelief.

Mahira: Welcome everyone to CC. Couple competition. In this competion there will be three rounds, physical, menta and .. she forgets 

This time Shivam takes Mic from Mahira's hand and shakes his head mocking her. Mahira makes an innocent face

Shivam: Physical round, Mental round and-

Mahira whispers: I already said that. Shivam glares her

Shivam: and how well you know each other. Physical would be couple activities, mental would how much your answers match and how well you know each other is how much you know each other

Mahira takes the mic: My turn. All the challenges and questions are half decided by me and Shivam and other decided by Bhabi. In the first round three people will be disqualified each game, then three people will compete for mental round and remaining 2 for the last. 

Bhabi :lets go to the race ground to start.

They all head to the relay space.

Mahira: this race will 100% be won by Ashika and Jai jiju. She said knowing that Ashika is well trained

Shivam: yeah for sure. he said considering Jia is well trained

Mahira: how do you know?

Shivam: umm just guessing. how do u know

Mahira: just guessing too

Their convo was interupted by Bhabi's announcement.

Bhabi: first one is decided by me. three legged race. Pretty self-explainatory. Your and your partner's one leg would be tied and yu have to finish the race.

Jai: that's easy

Ashika: yh bad choice

They both chuckle

Both Jai and Ashika were confident as they both were trained on how to run with one leg as it can be shoot at any time.

All the couples were tied and the race was about to begin

SNAP the gun was shot and announced the start of race.

Jai and Ashika were going the fastest as they had alot of balance and coordination. It was funny for them to see the other participants shouting on their partners. 

It was funny for Mahira and Shivam to see Jai and Ashika in so much sync

Jaishi: Inside, outside. Inside outside.

As predicted, Jai and Shivam had won the race and received one point. Shefali and Dev were second and some other couple coming third. Last three couples were disqualified. 

Shivam: Next game is decided by me.

Mahira: and me. she said coming between Shivam's face and the mic

Shivam irritated: tum hi bol lo

Mahira: maine bhi tau banayi hain

Shivam: anyways this round is couple sack race. Couples will be in one sack and all four legs of couples would be tied and you have to jump coordinately. Be careful as there is high chance of people falling.

Everyone was in their sacks. 

Ashika: Are you comfortable.

Jai: yeah what about you

Ashika: no look how that Shefali is making faces to me. Hee. she said making faces back

Jai smiling: Ashi!!

Ashika: sorry

The game was about to start but Mahira noticed something. She went up to Deva nd Shefali's ack and asked them to get out 

Dev: but why

Bhabi running from behind: Why should they

Mahira frustrated pulls their sack down

Their feet were not tied and in charge of tying their feet was Bhabi

Mahira gives a questioning look to Bhabi

Bhabi: WHat, there are so many people 

Mahira: out of all, you forgot them only?

Ashika: Mahira, calm down its fine

Mahira glaring Bhabi ties their feet tightly

Shefali: ow

Bhabi: you wanna do that then I wanna tie for yours what if you are cheating

Shivam: we didn't cheat

Bhabi ignores and goes up to Jaishi unties their feet and reties it very tight

Ashika losing her balance: ouch

But she grabs onto Jai's t-shirt. 

Jai: are you ok Ashi

Ashika: yh, this is so tight

Bhabi lying: everyone is the same 

They pulled up the sack and the race started.

Several more games happened, in all Jaishi were first. Everyone decided to leave the rest for tomorrow and went to their rooms

Sharma and Malhotra's have dinner together an dtoday, had ordered from outside. Everyone was stalking about the competition and soon went to bed

Mahira and Ashika were on one bed

Mahira whispering: Ashu

Ashika: hmm

Mahira: Jai Jiju calls you Ashi

Ashika just realizing that embarrased: its just a nickname

Mahira: aww- 

A mom who could hear them whisper :girls sleep, you have to wake up early tomorrow right

Ashika: This Mahira mom

Mahira: haw

A mom :sleep

They both out of fear went to sleep

Ashika thinking :Ashi

Ashika slep unknowingly blushing

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