Bonus chapter-Ross' birthday part 1

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I had my bags packed and waiting for me by the door ready for my visit to NJ to see Ross. I grabbed my towel and stepped out the shower drying my hair and pulling on my underwear. In my underwear I pulled out the outfit I had ready; homemade British And Proud tank top, black blazer with the sleeves rolled up, acid washed skinny jeans and black converse. I tamed my hair and ran downstairs eager to get to the airport and see Ross again.

“Flight BA12234 is now boarding” (A/N sorry only been to the airport once) I grabbed my carry on and gave them my boarding pass entering the plane and taking my seat. Sitting down I got my headphones out ready for the flight “you can now turn electronics on” I silently cheered and turned my ipod on putting my headphones in closing my eyes getting ready for the flight ahead. “Excuse me miss the plane’s landed” I was shaken awake by the stewardess “oh thanks” I got up and picked up my bag and left the plane to collect my suitcase. Entering the lobby with my bags I spotted Ratliff “Oi Ratty!” I yelled grabbing his attention “Matti!” he yelled back running towards me he picked me up and spun me around I giggled with delight “I missed you” he said looking at me “I missed you too!” he put me down and collected my suitcase while I held my carry on leaving the airport.

“Hey guys I’m back!” I exclaimed entering the tour bus with Ratliff “Matti!” all the Lynches yelled running towards me engulfing me in a bear hug “we missed you” they chorused “I missed you too guys” I laughed returning the hug “now where’s my amazing birthday boy at?” I asked stepping back from the bear hug “right here babe” he came up and did exactly what Ratliff did “love you” he whispered in my ear as he lowered me to the ground “love you too” I whispered fiddling with the locket round me neck “you’re wearing it?” he asked sounding shocked “of course it was given to me by the best boyfriend in the world” I kissed him and laced our fingers together “so birthday boy can I perform onstage with you guys tonight?” I asked turning to the group in front of me too as I said it “of course!” they chorused totally pumped to have me onstage with them tonight “well that’s great I have one last question to ask can I do it every night?” they all looked shocked “I talked to Stormie and she said that I can stay for the rest of the tour” they all cheered Ross giving me a long passionate kiss “no PDA” Rocky yelled covering his eyes “your just jealous” I laughed sticking my tongue out at him “whatever Matti” Rocky flipped me off “alright now Ross where’s your oh so lovely bunk?” I asked turning to him “you’re staying with me?” he asked astonished “of course silly unless you want me to bunk with Ratliff?” I asked “no, no, no let me show you my bunk” I laughed as we walked to the back of the bus where the bunks were.

A/N part 2 will be up tomorrow the birthday gig keep your eyes peeled

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