26-sleeping mummy

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I woke up to someone shaking me. I groggily opened my eyes to find Riker bending down next to me “finally found the first aid kit” he grinned holding up the white box “awesome now let me sleep” I muttered sleepily turning the other way on the sofa “I don’t think so” he said turning me around to face him. I felt like smacking him around the face “why not” I whined like a 5 year old “because” he imitated me, I glared at him “I need to bandage your wrist. Now hold it out” he demanded, sighing I held out my wrists and he wrapped a whole load of cloth bandages on them and taping the ends with medical tape. He backed up and looked at his handy work I plonked my head onto Rocky’s lap and fell back asleep feeling really tired.

“Matti” I heard “Matti” “OI MATTI” someone bellowed in my ear I woke up and hit whoever was next to me “ow my nose” Rocky cried grabbing his nose in both hands “sorry Rocky” I apologised. I shifted into a sitting position and saw the whole of the Lynches gathered in the living room “errm hi” I said awkwardly waving at them I surveyed their faces to find Ross looking like an absolute wreck “I’m assuming I somehow look worse than Ross if that’s physically possible” they all nodded their hands apart from Ross he just stood there looking very miserable. I stood up and wobbled a bit feeling dizzy and lightheaded “woah” I said sticking my hands out to balance myself but I couldn’t I collapsed on the floor feeling very ill, everyone exchanged a look “hospital” they chorused “I am not going to what you guys call a hospital, I’m fine” they quirked their eyebrows at me “you don’t believe me” I said in disbelief “I am not going and that’s final” I arrowed my eyes looking at each and everyone in the eye. The identical looks on the boys faces kind of scared me though “what are you thinking?” I asked shuffling backwards along the floor “GET HER!” they yelled running and grabbing me throwing me over Ratliff’s shoulder “put me down” I screamed punching his back “never” he carried me all the way to the van and slung me in the backseat Riker starting up the engine “I’ve already told you no hospitals” I yelled from my position in the back being ignored.

We arrived at the hospital and I was carried in over Ratliff’s shoulder, “hi miss” Riker politely said addressing the nurse at reception “what’s wrong son?” she asked “well my friend here” Ratliff spun round so I was facing the nurse I brought my head up and waved at her “has been cut badly and lost a lot of blood but according to her she doesn’t need to see a doctor” I groaned “I don’t need to see a doctor!” they all ignored “alrighty then take a seat and I’ll see what I can do” Riker thanked her and we went to sit down in the waiting area me acting like a 5 year old crossing my arms and sulking. The doctor came out and greeted us “hello what can I do” the boys explained what had happened to the doctor whose name badge read Doctor Smith, “well let’s just do a few basic tests” Doctor Smith said I huffed and got out of my chair following him to do the basic tests. “We have your results here Matti and it looks like you’re staying here hooked up to a blood bag” I glared at the group and followed Doctor Smith to get hooked up.

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