21-whispering the words

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Matti’s P.O.V

I woke up the nest day having slept all of yesterday away. I pulled my duvet off, picked up my blanket and shuffled off downstairs to see everyone crashed out on the sofa and floor of the living room “get up” I whispered gently nudging the nearest person to me with a toe Rocky woke up and turned to see who kicked him “oh hi Matti” he whispered seeing as I have a slight headache still “wanna a slice of toast” I nodded and shuffled over to the sofa where I poked Riker continually in the side till his eyes popped open “stop poking me” he moaned sleepily “get up lazy pants” I whispered he then realised who was poking him “oh you look more alive” he commented “feel slightly more alive too” I whispered. He swung his legs over and made space for me to plop myself down feeling slightly tired still I rested my head against Riker’s shoulder “poor Matti, you alright?” I grumbled and buried myself further into my blanket still leaning against Riker. Rocky then arrived with my slice of toast which I slowly ate and able to keep down “well done Matti, you might just be getting better” Riker and Rocky said then all too soon I felt the need to vomit and ran to the kitchen the boys behind me, they rubbed my back as tears streamed down my face “sshh it’s alright” Rocky whispered I nodded and slumped onto the sofa my legs no longer able to carry my weight “hey it’s better than yesterday though at least you managed to keep it down for 30 seconds” I nodded and snuggled down into my blanket.

Ross woke up after lots of poking and wanking with a pillow done by Rocky and Riker “huh how’s Matti?” he asked sleepily stretching “why don’t you ask her yourself” Riker said jerking his head in my direction “hey” I smiled weakly he scooped me up and hugged me to his chest “hey beautiful” he whispered brushing my disgusting, matted hair off my forehead I smiled up at him and rested my head against his chest I turned my gaze to where Rydel and Ratliff were sleeping to see Ratliff hugging Rydel into his chest “they look so cute. Someone take a picture” we got a picture and stuck it on Twitter with the tag such a cute moment. I smiled and decided to wake them up they’ve had enough sleep and if I’m a wake they have to be awake too. I crouched down next to the cute couple and poked them, no response, I mouthed to the guys “No luck” they grinned evilly and came over where they pushed Rydel away from Ratliff not wanting to hurt their sister then dive bombed on poor Ratliff. I then turned to Rydel and whispered into her ear “a lorry full of tutus just broke down in front of the house” she bolted upright at this “where” she tossed her head this way and that getting some serious whiplash “well now that your all up” I whispered as the boys had been shoved off a very awake and very angry Ratliff, I then grinned evilly “I’m going to have a nap” I whispered and shuffled upstairs to bed leaving behind some very annoyed sleep deprived boys and girl.

I woke up from my nap feeling slightly better, I shuffled downstairs again and collapsed on the sofa my legs not working again “hi” I whispered grabbing everyone’s attention somehow “oh hi Matti!” they greeted me I stuck my head on Ross’ lap and curled up loosely staring at the muted tv “so what are we not doing today?” I asked “Matti’s sense of humour is still intact” Ross slightly chuckled “yeah whatever that nap helped” I lightly thumped him I then turned my attention to Ratliff eyeing up the tea cradled in his hands putting on my best puppy dog expression I got to work on getting that cup of tea “Ratliff” I whispered out “hmm yeah?” he turned to me and saw my expression his eyes narrowed “can I pretty please have a cup of tea?” I begged quietly, willing him silently in my head to give in “must resist puppy dog eyes” he said trying his very best to stay strong “pretty please remember I’m the ill person here” I whispered fluttering my eyelashes and fake coughing at the end “dude just give in already this is too painful to watch” Riker explained from his position by the doorway “uggh fine have my tea Matti” Ratliff gave in “yay!” I cheered as loud as I could which wasn’t very loud and pried his fingers one by one off the steaming cup.

It was later on in the day and my headaches had finally vanished. We were now watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (I love Harry Potter as much as my boyfriend) “go Gryffindor!” I called out weakly watching the Quidditch game between Slytherin, the guys laughed at me “you and Harry Potter” Ross shook his head in amusement at me while I sat there cuddled into his side rooting for Gryffindor. “Gryffindor wins the game!” Lee Jordan yelled out I cheered and continued watching the movie with the knowledge of what happens next.

The movie was over and we were now watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. “Oh no poor Ginny” I whispered, Ginny had been taken into the Chamber! The boys found my running commentary very amusing “alright bedtime for the Matti” Ross called rubbing his hands together just as Harry was about to enter the Chamber of Secrets! “What? Wait 10 more minutes please” I begged wanting to finish the movie, putting on puppy dog eyes “huh? Urrghh fine till the end of the movie” Ross gave in I cheered not very loudly since I couldn’t and kissed him on the cheek “thanks babe” I whispered into his ear.

“Woo go Dobby!” I cheered at the end as he kicked Lucius Malfoy’s butt. All too soon after that scene though the end credits came rolling down “now Matti films over bed’s that way” Ross pointed to the stairs “alright geesh your worse than my mum” I dragged myself off the sofa and shuffled to the stairs “night everyone” I whispered out waving “night Matti” they chorused back. I then entered my room and promptly collapsed on my bed shattered. Falling asleep the minute my head touched the pillow.

A/N now the video on the side is for all you muggles not in the know about Harry Potter which in my mind is very much impossible.

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