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to the prague player who injured me last game, i hope the two goals i just scored make you realise I'm not a force to be reckoned with xx

tagged; chelseafc

liked by chelseafc, ailaknight and 1,599,936 others


username1 convinced the sun was MADE for you
lilahfinnegan convinced you're too SWEET to me

username2 yes you be petty
lilahfinnegan as i should xx

ailaknight girl I'm always so impressed with ur skills
lilahfinnegan i 💙u

augustsmith and people say you shouldn't be captain
lilahfinnegan 😙😙😙

username3 CRYING FOR U


username5 she's the next ronaldo
lilahfinnegan let's hope my statue doesn't look weird 😂🤚🏼

username6 no bc ur literally one of the best-attacking midfielders in football history and you're so humble about it
lilahfinnegan life isn't always worth bragging about, sometimes it's okay to brag but more often than not i stay quiet about it 😊

username7 how are you?
lilahfinnegan fantastic!!

username8 girl you're so active with us
lilahfinnegan love u all 😜💙✨

username9 and that's on the finnegan force
lilahfinnegan i love this

masonmount that's my girl!!
lilahfinnegan blushing hard 😂🤚🏼

username10 SO PROUD OF U

declanrice i guess you are a good footballer
lilahfinnegan do you want me to tackle you next game bc i will

username11 lilah v declan needs to happen
lilahfinnegan JJ v Logan style?

username12 girl why do follow everyone in the sidemen but harry?
lilahfinnegan he causes problems that don't need to be caused xx

username13 is your little brother single?
lilahfinnegan fortunately for you, yes, jakefinnegan be free

jakefinnegan u stink but ily
lilahfinnegan fuck off xx

username14 london will ALWAYS be blue

username15 crying in proudness for u


author's note (important!!) - is there anything, in particular, you guys would like to see in this book?! I know a lot of people liked the idea of Lilah and Kepa (laughed at these comments 😂🤚🏼) but I personally don't want anyone on the team to mess shit up because surprise surprise, Mason joins Chelsea for the 2019/2020 season and a lot of the team I use in the book is in there (plus Chilly, we stan Chilly >>>) 

I'm not up for the pregnancy stuff because I get put off of books the second they announce a child, plus with their jobs I don't think Lilah would even want kids because she loves her job so much.

Suggestions are much appreciated!!

thank you if you actually read this because I know most people skip author's notes 😂🙄

shelby xx

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