O N E - F I F T Y O N E

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March 1st, 2020

"Hello chickens." Lilah beams as she sits in Mason's gaming chair, the girl's phone propped up against his monitor as people started flooding into her Instagram Live.

"I know it's my first Instagram Live, I apologise for not joining the hype sooner but I'm a busy gal you know." She grins jokingly, moving some hair out of her face. She reads a few of the comments that were popping up on her screen. 

"Mason is out with Declan, the little weirdo stole him to go get Nandos again. I'm quite sick of being the third wheel in that relationship." She shakes her head, replying to one of the questions she'd received.

"I'm in Mason's desk chair, correct, he snapped mine with his fat arse so he ordered me a new one. I was just playing FIFA but I got bored on my own, no one's online which is odd." Lilah pouts as Blue sits up and looks at her.

"What's up Blue? You bored too? Yeah, well, Daddy's a prick isn't he?" She giggles as she jumps up and moves to get cuddles, the girl picking her dog up with all her strength and letting her sit on her lap.

"If Mason tells me off for this then I'm screwed. Oh well, no one can resist Blue's face." Lilah cuddles the pup for a few minutes before she jumps down off of her lap and races out of the room, probably to find a toy to chew on. 

Lilah moves closer to her phone and reads out a few questions and answers them, the girl not realising Mason had gotten home and he was just sitting in the living room on his phone wondering where she was. He got up after 10 minutes of not hearing, her, the brunette searching the bottom floor of the house before he sprints upstairs, careful not to make any noise.

"Mason's a piece of shit, well that's not true now is it?" Lilah rolls her eyes, not realising Mason was on the other side of the door listening to her.

"If you wanna say that then take my name out of your username, the only reason I'm in the position I am today is because of him. Every goal, assist and improvement I make is down to him, and that Captain's band I wear around my arm every match? Yeah, that should be his, and I've discussed this on previous occasions actually." She starts her little rant, not wanting people to potentially bully her boyfriend over her.

"Mason should be captain of that team, I see that potential in him from a mile off, but no one else does and it bugs me so much. If either of us had to drop our careers for some odd reason, I'd do it because at the end of the day, he's the better footballer. He has been since we were kids, just because I get more goals doesn't mean fuck all, he creates the most chances for us and he assists the most as well. Others don't realise his true potential and it upsets me because he's so passionate about what he does and he loves every minute of it." Lilah continues, the girl bringing herself to tears over it.

"God I love him so much, there's not a day that goes by that he doesn't make me smile or laugh and he works so hard for the team it's unbelievable. I'm honestly not just saying this because he's my fiance, because quite frankly if we weren't together and I didn't even know him, I'd still see the star potential that he has and I honestly cannot thank him enough for getting me into football. So in response to your silly little comment, Mason's a talented, quite sexy, actually no, he's a talented, extremely sexy, football player who deserves the world." Lilah beams, wiping the stray tears that had fallen.

Mason stood on the otherside of the door at a loss for words, shocked that his soon to be wife had just admitted that the captain's band she dons every match should be his. He stands quietly for a second trying to contain the tears of happiness, Blue nudging his hand softly to get some cuddles before he went off to Lilah.

"Mase?" She calls, the brunette accidentally knocking something over when he tried to go back downstairs unnoticed. Lilah turned to look at the door as he sheepishly walks in, the brunette looking at her with a heart full of love.

"I got you takeaway Nandos." Mason grins.

"That's why I love you." She laughs as he walks into the room, standing behind her as she sits on the chair facing her phone.

"FYI, the captain's band is yours for a reason, don't go around telling people I deserve it." Mason comments, the girl looking at her phone with wide-eyes before she looks up at him.

"Cheeky twat." She laughs softly.

"Also, stop sitting in my chair." Mason shakes his head at her.

"Don't break mine then fat arse." She scrunches her nose up softly, the boy finding it utterly adorable. He leans down and presses his lips to hers very quickly, noticing how the comments sped up all of a sudden at the much needed Malilah content they'd been given.

"Oh yeah, she's my fiance, has been since January 6th, so all you men best back off 'cause I'm not letting her out of my sight." He grins, kissing the top of her head before he disappears out of the games room.

"Mase, do you want a match of FIFA?" Lilah calls.

"Stupid question!" Mason calls back, making her laugh.


author's note - my only update for Hey There Delilah today!
i've been working on the Ben book and BOY let me tell you, i love it so much already. i hope you're all okay!! i have a long day in college tomorrow so updates will be late! thank you for 30k, love you all lots!! <3

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