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i spy a wild chilwell in his Chelsea kit

tagged; benchilwell

liked by chelseafc, madders and 2,049,234 others


username1 YES

username2 no bc i know ur well excited to play with him again
lilahfinnegan you are indeed correct

username3 BEN

username4 remember #belilah
lilahfinnegan yikes

benchilwell at least i look good in this one
lilahfinnegan finally happy are we?

username5 BEN HEY BOO

username6 omg yes

username7 Capitano and the Chilly!
lilahfinnegan this would be an INCREDIBLE book title

username8 YES omg I'm so excited for this season

username9 Lamps finally makes a good enough decision for Lilah
lilahfinnegan indeed true

username10 3rd season with Chels!
lilahfinnegan time flies!

username11 how come you aren't gonna be Mount 31?
lilahfinnegan so there's no confusion on the pitch!! plus finnegan is a cool last name

username12 i hope you and Mason are good!
lilahfinnegan fantastic thank you!

username13 good luck for you guys against Brighton!
lilahfinnegan thank you!

username14 CHILLY WOW

username15 he's hot


author's note - i hope y'all know that this book ENDS in 7 chapters :(
i hope you all know how thankful i am for all the love on this book bc it means so so much to me <3


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