• II •

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• B-Rabbit •

(Note: I can't fully remember what his m0m asked him so just work with me while i improvise 0k?)

I continued to walk down to the 8-mile trailer park. I opened the door to the trailer and saw my mom and greg.

"Oh! Jesus–rabbit." My mom said and covered herself.

I sighed and walked back outside.  I sat down on the car hood and she came out with a drink for me but I passed.

"Don't ya think you should've called?" My m0m asked.

"Phones disconnected." I replied.  She started rambling about how she needed to get down to the phone place.

Greg walked out the trailer, he seemed drunk.

"Rabbit fuck you doing here?" greg asked.

I stood up from the car.

"Me and Janeane just broke up." I said to them.

"Oh I'm sorry honey, I thought you had a really good thing going with her." My mother comforted me.

"She sleeping with someone else?" Greg's asked and smirked slightly but I ain't respond.

"Yo, Look I gotta work tomorrow." I said about to head inside.

"Oh, you and future at that little Caesars' place?" My mom asked.

"Nah, I'm down at New Detroit Stamping." I said.

I heard greg scoff.

"Oh! That's good. What?" She asked greg.

"He got fired from a pizza place..!" Greg laughed

"Well at least I got a fucking job!" I yelled.

"Ok stop it!" She insisted.

"You-you staying here for a while or what?" My mom asked.

I sighed and leaned against the hood of the car.

"Just for a couple weeks.." I trailed. "Save up enough to get my own place."

"Just like bob, all your friends still living at home aren't they?" Greg said and walked up to the Trailer door.

"What a bunch of fucking losers." Greg said.

I threw my beer and he ducked, the beer hitting the trailer door.

"Aye fuck you!" I yelled.

"Jimmy!" My mom yelled.

"What's your problem man?" Greg yelled.

"What's your problem bitch!?" I yelled and greg kicked the bag with my clothes. "Don't kick my fucking clothes!"

We just yelled at each other. My ma stayed in between me and greg to stop us from fighting.

"Don't fucking touch me man!"

"Grow up!"

"Don't judge me bitch!"

"The fuck is up punk- Hey lily." I stopped yelling and walked up to Lily who was standing in the entrance to the trailer.

I picked her.

"Hey baby, what are you doing up?" I whispered and picked her up.

"You woke me up y'know." She said softly.

"Yeah..I'm sorry baby." I said and glanced back at my mother and Greg.

I opened the door. "I'll put you back to bed." I said to Lily.

"Will you sing to me?" She asked.

"Yeah, of 'course." I said and smiled slightly.

I walked in the trailer with Lily in my arms to her room.

"I know this girl..her name is Lily, and it's past her bed t-i-m-e." I paused and rested my forehead against hers.

"She goes to sleep..and she can just dream..and not have to be..in a stinky trailer with me." I rested her onto the bed and sat down next to her.

"So when I feel blue..and don't what to do..and I look at you..and I say BlfFfph." I finished and she giggled. I kissed her on her forehead.

"Goodnight baby, go to sleep." I said and she twisted to get into a more comfortable position.


ok ok Delaney will be in the next chapterrrreee

man, fuck you! › b-rabbitWhere stories live. Discover now