• XVI •

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• Delaney •

I walked into the white, pristine building. It smelled like a new car in here, shit I looked like a new car. I bought a fucking skirt. Outrageous.

I walked up the the women behind the reception desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Doherty. I have a job interview with him today." I asked her.

"Oh! You must be Delaney. He's in his office it is just down the hall there, and goodluck." She sent me a warm smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I replied and walked down the halllway. I could feel the thumping of my heart to become more known and I walked closer and closer to the door.

I knocked on the door and I heard a deep male voice call for me to come in.

"Hi! You're Mr. Doherty, correct?" I asked, I stuck my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand and sat down

"Oh, please just call me Aiden!" He smiled.

"Oh, ok." I replied quickly.

I sat down on the chair in front of his desk. I observed the room and it was quite large, white flooring, large windows with beautiful scenery to look at, and the faint smell of his cologne.

(a/n i am trying to add more imagery to my stories it gives the chapter life!!)

"Wow! You have an amazing view." I commented.

"Oh, thank you." He replied while shuffling through some paperwork.

"So.. You're a new graduate.. with no experience.." He trailed.

"Yeah. I thought I would shoot my shot at a larger company such as yourself, my moms told me to to do that so I just tried, but more seriously I aaa hoping that this job would give me a little more experience and insight to what working as an architect it.." I rambled. I rubbed my hands together in my palms from how nervous I was.

He pondered for a bit.

"Tell me some things about yourself."

Aw shit.

"Um well, for starters I describe myself as a good listener and I can take criticism pretty well." Lies and more lies.

He nodded his head.

"I will be honest with you, Delaney. We always have a bunch of people coming in here with big expectations and dreams just like you. I am looking for someone who has more experience and knows their way around as an architect. I'm sorry to say this but I don't think the job is for you." He said with sympathy in his eyes.

"Oh.. yeah, it's ok." I coughed in order to clear my throat.

"Sorry for wasting your time." I mumbled and left.


"Dellll!!" Jimmy slurred.

"Whaddup?" I mumbled.

"Shit you straight?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"Del! Did you get the job?" Future walked up to me with two beers in his hand.

"Nah.." I whispered.

I saw their faces drop

"It's aight tho, I didn't expect to get my fuckin' dream job!" I yelled trying to make a self deprecating joke. I shook my head and sat on the hood of Jimmy's car.

"Fuck them! Cheer up pretty lady.." Jimmy comforted me.

"Thanks.." I smiled.

Future handed me a beer.

I popped the cap off and drank some of it.

I let out a slight sigh and looked up at future, Iz, Sol, and Cheddar.

"What?" I asked and shook my head slightly.

"Nothin'." Future snickered.

I shook my head and took another swing of my beer.

"What was your interview like..?" Jimmy whispered to me while the others talked among themselves. He hopped on the hood of his car and sat next to me.

"Oh, the shit was fuckin' wack! I explained my dreams and shit like that.. but I didn't have any experience so I didn't get the job." I said and shrugged after.

He sighed and looked down at his lap.

"Don't give up.." He mumbled to me. He looked to me with his baby blue eyes. I could just stare into them forever and be content with myself. He looked away from me and looked at Future and them talking.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, he took a swing of his beer.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell you.. I started writing my debut album.."

"Sweet! How many songs you gon' put on there?" I asked.

"I haven't decided yet.." He mumbled.

"C'mon guys we're going in Chin Chiki..!" Cheddar called out for us.

"Give us a second!" Jimmy yelled back.

"I gotta talk to you.." Jimmy got off the hood of the car and stood in front of me.

"Hmm?"I hummed back.

"I'm just sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable last night or this mornin' We we're both fucked up.." He said and shrugged after.

"Jimmy.. It's ok we straight, we're friends." I said to him. It hurt to say that but I don't know how he would react if I hadn't had said that to him.

"Del.." He stopped me from getting off of the hood of his car.

"Jimmy, we gotta go, those muhfuckah's prolly shitting themself." I said but he kept a straight face.

"Jimmy! Stop looking at me like that!!" I said and he smiled slightly.

He looked down at his feet then back up at me.

"You gon' fuckin' spit it out yet!?" I yelled.

"Never mind.." He mumbled and walked away heading to the back entrance to Chin Chiki.

I felt a little guilty and upset but it's whatever, he'll tell me eventually.. right?


i'm trying to find the perfect moment guys shut ur up 🙄

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